Number of items: 72.
Ramírez, J., Gibson, G. M. and Tassieri, M.
Optical Halo: a proof of concept for a new broadband microrheology tool.
Micromachines, 15(7),
(doi: 10.3390/mi15070889)
Ferraro, R., Guido, S., Caserta, S. and Tassieri, M.
i-Rheo-optical assay: Measuring the viscoelastic properties of multicellular spheroids.
Materials Today Bio, 26,
(doi: 10.1016/j.mtbio.2024.101066)
Walker, M. , Pringle, E. W., Ciccone, G., Oliver Cervello, L., Tassieri, M. , Gourdon, D. and Cantini, M.
Mind the viscous modulus: the mechanotransductive response to the viscous nature of isoelastic matrices regulates stem cell chondrogenesis.
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 13(9),
(doi: 10.1002/adhm.202302571)
Matheson, A. B., Mendonca, T., Smith, M. G., Sutcliffe, B., Fernandez, A. J., Paterson, L., Dalgarno, P. A., Wright, A. J. and Tassieri, M.
Fully angularly resolved 3D microrheology with optical tweezers.
Rheologica Acta, 63,
pp. 205-217.
(doi: 10.1007/s00397-024-01435-1)
Lyons, A. , Zickus, V., Alvarez-Mendoza, R., Triggiani, D., Tamma, V., Westerberg, N. , Tassieri, M. and Faccio, D.
Fluorescence lifetime Hong-Ou-Mandel sensing.
Nature Communications, 14,
(doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-43868-x)
Smith, M. G., Gibson, G. M. , Link, A. , Raghavan, A., Clarke, A., Franke, T. and Tassieri, M.
The role of elastic instability on the self-assembly of particle chains in simple shear flow.
Physics of Fluids, 35(12),
(doi: 10.1063/5.0182175)
Kazaz, O., Ferraro, R., Tassieri, M. , Kumar, S. , Falcone, G. , Karimi, N. and Paul, M. C.
Sensible heat thermal energy storage performance of mono and blended nanofluids in a free convective-radiation inclined system.
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 51,
(doi: 10.1016/j.csite.2023.103562)
Hardiman, W., Clark, M., Friel, C., Huett, A., Pérez-Cota, F., Setchfield, K., Wright, A. J. and Tassieri, M.
Living cells as a biological analog of optical tweezers – a non-invasive microrheology approach.
Acta Biomaterialia, 166,
pp. 317-325.
(doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2023.04.039)
Smith, M. G., Radford, J. , Febrianto, E. , Ramírez, J., O'Mahony, H., Matheson, A. B., Gibson, G. M. , Faccio, D. and Tassieri, M.
Machine learning opens a doorway for microrheology with optical tweezers in living systems.
AIP Advances, 13(7),
(doi: 10.1063/5.0161014)
Mendonca, T. et al.
OptoRheo: simultaneous in situ micro-mechanical sensing and imaging of live 3D biological systems.
Communications Biology, 6,
(doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-04780-8)
Geonzon, L. C., Kobayashi, M., Tassieri, M. , Bacabac, R. G., Adachi, Y. and Matsukawa, S.
Microrheological properties and local structure of ι-carrageenan gels probed by using optical tweezers.
Food Hydrocolloids, 137,
(doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.108325)
Ferraro, R., Guido, S., Caserta, S. and Tassieri, M.
Compressional stress stiffening & softening of soft hydrogels - how to avoid artefacts in their rheological characterisation.
Soft Matter, 19(11),
pp. 2053-2057.
(doi: 10.1039/D3SM00077J)
Perris, J., Kumar, C. , Xu, Y. , Tassieri, M. , Kartal, M. E., Gadegaard, N. and Mulvihill, D. M.
3D printing and rapid replication of advanced numerically generated rough surface topographies in numerous polymers.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 25(1),
(doi: 10.1002/adem.202200832)
Laurati, M., Tassieri, M. , Espinosa, G., Oliveira, M. S. N. and Joseph, P.
Editorial: exploring the mechanical properties of soft materials at multiple length scales.
Frontiers in Physics, 10,
(doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.1111099)
Ciccone, G., Skopalik, S., Smart, C., Gezgin, S., Ridland, D., Paul, M. C. , Escobar, M. d. P. N. and Tassieri, M.
A rheological characterization of synthetic detergent formulations.
Physics of Fluids, 34,
(doi: 10.1063/5.0099145)
Matheson, A. B., Mendonca, T., Gibson, G. M. , Dalgarno, P. A., Wright, A. J., Paterson, L. and Tassieri, M.
Microrheology with an anisotropic optical trap.
Frontiers in Physics, 9,
(doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.621512)
Matheson, A. B., Paterson, L., Wright, A. J., Mendonca, T., Tassieri, M. and Dalgarno, P. A.
Optical tweezers with integrated multiplane microscopy (OpTIMuM): a new tool for 3D microrheology.
Scientific Reports, 11,
(doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85013-y)
De Santis, M. M. et al.
Extracellular matrix reinforced bioinks for 3D bioprinting human tissue.
Advanced Materials, 33(3),
(doi: 10.1002/adma.202005476)
Guadayol, Ò., Mendonca, T., Segura-Noguera, M., Wright, A. J., Tassieri, M. and Humphries, S.
Microrheology reveals microscale viscosity gradients in planktonic systems.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(1),
(doi: 10.1073/pnas.2011389118)
Matheson, A. B., Paterson, L., Wright, A. J., Mendonca, T., Tassieri, M. and Dalgarno, P. A.
Optical Tweezers with Integrated Multiplane Microscopy (OpTIMuM) – a new tool for 3D microrheology.
Scientific Reports, 11,
(doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85013-y)
Smith, M. G., Tassieri, M. and Gibson, G. M.
i-RheoFT: Fourier transforming sampled functions without artefacts.
Scientific Reports, 11,
Ciccone, G., Dobre, O. , Gibson, G. M. , Rey, J. M., Gonzalez-Garcia, C., Vassalli, M. , Salmeron-Sanchez, M. and Tassieri, M.
What caging force cells feel in 3D hydrogels: a rheological perspective.
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 9(17),
(doi: 10.1002/adhm.202000517)
Orapiriyakul, W. et al.
Nanovibrational stimulation of mesenchymal stem cells induces therapeutic reactive oxygen species and inflammation for 3D bone tissue engineering.
ACS Nano, 14(8),
pp. 10027-10044.
(doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c03130)
Rivas-Barbosa, R., Escobedo-Sánchez, M. A., Tassieri, M. and Laurati, M.
i-Rheo: determining the linear viscoelastic moduli of colloidal dispersions from step-stress measurements.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22,
pp. 3839-3848.
(doi: 10.1039/C9CP06191F)
Ashworth, J.C. et al.
Peptide gels of fully-defined composition and mechanics for probing cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in vitro.
Matrix Biology, 85-86,
pp. 15-33.
(doi: 10.1016/j.matbio.2019.06.009)
Khalid, M. A. , Ray, A., Cohen, S., Tassieri, M. , Demčenko, A. , Tseng, D., Reboud, J. , Ozcan, A. and Cooper, J. M.
Computational image analysis of guided acoustic waves enables rheological assessment of sub-nanoliter volumes.
ACS Nano, 13(10),
pp. 11062-11069.
(doi: 10.1021/acsnano.9b03219)
Moreno-Guerra, J. A., Romero-Sánchez, I. C., Martinez-Borquez, A., Tassieri, M. , Stiakakis, E. and Laurati, M.
Model-free Rheo-AFM probes the viscoelasticity of tunable DNA soft colloids.
Small, 15(42),
(doi: 10.1002/smll.201904136)
Tassieri, M.
Microrheology with optical tweezers: Peaks and troughs.
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 43,
pp. 39-51.
(doi: 10.1016/j.cocis.2019.02.006)
Khalid, A. , Ray, A., Demčenko, A. , Cohen, S., Tassieri, M. , Reboud, J. , Ozcan, A. and Cooper, J. M.
Lens-free Microscopy Using Acoustically Actuated Nanolenses and its Applications.
In: Imaging and Applied Optics 2019, Munich, Germany, 24-27 Jun 2019,
ISBN 9781943580637
(doi: 10.1364/COSI.2019.CTu4C.6)
Rizzi, L. G. and Tassieri, M.
Microrheology of biological specimens.
In: Meyers, R. A. (ed.)
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry.
Wiley: Chichester.
ISBN 9780471976707
Tassieri, M.
Comment on "A symmetrical method to obtain shear moduli from microrheology" by Kengo Nishi, Maria L. Kilfoil, Christoph F. Schmidt, and F. C. MacKintosh, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 3716.
Soft Matter, 14(42),
pp. 8666-8670.
(doi: 10.1039/C8SM00806J)
Chim, Y. H., Mason, L. M., Rath, N., Olson, M. F. , Tassieri, M. and Yin, H.
A one-step procedure to probe the viscoelastic properties of cells by Atomic Force
Scientific Reports, 8,
(doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-32704-8)
Tassieri, M. , Ramirez, J., Karayiannis, N. C., Sukumaran, S. K. and Masubuchi, Y.
i-Rheo GT: transforming from time to frequency domain without artifacts.
Macromolecules, 51(14),
pp. 5055-5068.
(doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.8b00447)
Nazarzadeh, E. , Wilson, R. , King, X., Reboud, J. , Tassieri, M. and Cooper, J.
Confinement of surface waves at the air-water interface to control aerosol size and dispersity.
Physics of Fluids, 29(11),
(doi: 10.1063/1.4993793)
Paterson, D. J., Tassieri, M. , Reboud, J. , Wilson, R. and Cooper, J. M.
Lipid topology and electrostatic interactions underpin lytic activity of linear cationic antimicrobial peptides in membranes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(40),
(doi: 10.1073/pnas.1704489114)
Tassieri, M.
Dynamics of semiflexible polymer solutions in the tightly entangled concentration regime.
Macromolecules, 50(14),
pp. 5611-5618.
(doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.7b01024)
Del Giudice, F., Tassieri, M. , Oelschlaeger, C. and Shen, A. Q.
When microrheology, bulk rheology, and microfluidics meet: broadband rheology of hydroxyethyl cellulose water solutions.
Macromolecules, 50(7),
pp. 2951-2963.
(doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b02727)
Tiller, B., Reboud, J. , Tassieri, M. , Wilson, R. and Cooper, J. M.
Frequency dependence of microflows upon acoustic interactions with fluids.
Physics of Fluids, 29(12),
(doi: 10.1063/1.4999308)
Jimenez, M. , Khalid, M.A. , Wilson, R. , Tassieri, M. , Reboud, J. and Cooper, J.M.
Clotting Blood Using Surface Acoustic Waves.
In: 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016), Dublin, Ireland, 09-13 Oct 2016,
pp. 1661-1662.
ISBN 9781510834163
Tassieri, M. , Laurati, M., Curtis, D. J., Auhl, D. W., Coppola, S., Scalfati, A., Hawkins, K., Williams, P. R. and Cooper, J. M.
i-Rheo: Measuring the materials' linear viscoelastic properties 'in a step'!
Journal of Rheology, 60(4),
pp. 649-660.
(doi: 10.1122/1.4953443)
Tassieri, M.
Introduction to linear rheology.
In: Tassieri, M. (ed.)
Microrheology with Optical Tweezers: Principles and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9789814669184
Tassieri, M.
Microrheology with optical tweezers.
In: Tassieri, M. (ed.)
Microrheology with Optical Tweezers: Principles and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9789814669184
Tassieri, M.
Microrheology with Optical Tweezers: Principles and Applications.
CRC Press.
ISBN 9789814669184
Khalid, M. A. , Tassieri, M. and Cooper, J.
Contactless Viscosity Sensor Using Surface Acoustic Waves and Light Scattering.
British Society of Rheology Mid-Winter Meeting 2015, Glasgow, UK, 14-15 Dec 2015.
Tassieri, M. et al.
Microrheology with optical tweezers: measuring the relative viscosity of solutions 'at a glance'.
Scientific Reports, 5,
(doi: 10.1038/srep08831)
Tassieri, M.
Linear microrheology with optical tweezers of living cells 'is not an option'!
Soft Matter, 11,
pp. 5792-5798.
(doi: 10.1039/C5SM01133G)
Paterson, D. J., Reboud, J. , Wilson, R. , Tassieri, M. and Cooper, J. M.
Integrating microfluidic generation, handling and analysis of biomimetic giant unilamellar vesicles.
Lab on a Chip, 14(11),
p. 1806.
(doi: 10.1039/C4LC00199K)
Lee, M.P., Gibson, G.M. , Phillips, D., Padgett, M.J. and Tassieri, M.
Dynamic stereo microscopy for studying particle sedimentation.
Optics Express, 22(4),
pp. 4671-4677.
(doi: 10.1364/OE.22.004671)
Robertson, E.J. et al.
Cryptococcus neoformans ex vivo capsule size is associated with intracranial pressure and host immune response in HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis.
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 209(1),
pp. 74-82.
(doi: 10.1093/infdis/jit435)
Dholakia, K., Lee, M.P., Gibson, G. , Tassieri, M. , Phillips, D., Bernet, S., Ritsh-Marte, M. and Padgett, M.J.
Spatial light modulation for improved microscope stereo vision and 3D tracking.
In: SPIE Optics and Photonics 2013, San Diego, USA, 25 Aug - 29 Aug 2013,
p. 881022.
(doi: 10.1117/12.2027734)
Pommella, A., Preziosi, V., Caserta, S., Cooper, J.M. , Guido, S. and Tassieri, M.
Using optical tweezers for the characterization of polyelectrolyte solutions with very low viscoelasticity.
Langmuir, 29(29),
pp. 9224-9230.
(doi: 10.1021/la4015948)
Warren, R.L., Tassieri, M. , Li, X., Glidle, A., Paterson, D.J., Carlsson, A. and Cooper, J.M.
Rheology at the micro-scale: new tools for bio-analysis.
In: Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization and Imaging of Biomaterials, Munich, Germany, 13-16 May 2013,
(doi: 10.1117/12.2025254)
Watts, F., Tan, L. E., Wilson, C. G., Girkin, J. M., Tassieri, M. and Wright, A. J.
Investigating the micro-rheology of the vitreous humor using an optically trapped local probe.
Journal of Optics, 16(1),
(doi: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/1/015301)
Tassieri, M. , Evans, R.M.L., Warren, R.L., Bailey, N.J. and Cooper, J.M.
Microrheology with optical tweezers: data analysis.
New Journal of Physics, 14(11),
p. 115032.
(doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/11/115032)
Lee, M.P., Curran, A., Gibson, G.M. , Tassieri, M. , Heckenberg, N.R. and Padgett, M.J.
Optical shield: measuring viscosity of turbid fluids using optical tweezers.
Optics Express, 20(11),
pp. 12127-12132.
(doi: 10.1364/OE.20.012127)
Nayak, K., Read, D.J., McLeish, T.C.B., Hine, P.J. and Tassieri, M.
A coarse-grained molecular model of strain-hardening for polymers in the marginally glassy state.
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 49(13),
pp. 920-938.
(doi: 10.1002/polb.22263)
Preece, D., Warren, R., Evans, R.M.L., Gibson, G.M. , Padgett, M.J. , Cooper, J. and Tassieri, M.
Optical tweezers: wideband microrheology.
Journal of Optics, 13(4),
(doi: 10.1088/2040-8978/13/4/044022)
Boyle, J.H., Berri, S., Tassieri, M. , Hope, I.A. and Cohen, N.
Gait modulation in C. Elegans: it's not a choice, it's a reflex!
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 5,
p. 10.
(doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2011.00010)
Dholakia, K., Watts, F., Tan, L.E., Tassieri, M. , McAlinden, N., Wilson, C.G., Girkin, J.M., Wright, A.J. and Spalding, G.C.
The viscoelastic properties of the vitreous humor measured using an optically trapped local probe.
In: Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation VIII, San Diego, CA, USA, 21-25 Aug 2011,
(doi: 10.1117/12.895192)
Tassieri, M. , Gibson, G. , Evans, R.M.L., Yao, A.M., Warren, R., Padgett, M.J. and Cooper, J.M.
Measuring storage and loss moduli using optical tweezers: broadband microrheology.
Physical Review E, 81(2),
(doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.026308)
Embery, J., Tassieri, M. , Hine, P. J. and Lord, T. D.
An investigation into the constriction flow of a particle reinforced polystyrene melt using a combination of flow visualization and finite element simulations.
Journal of Rheology, 54(5),
pp. 1097-1117.
(doi: 10.1122/1.3478307)
Tassieri, M. , Waigh, T.A., Trinick, J., Aggeli, A. and Evans, R.M.L.
Analysis of the linear viscoelasticity of polyelectrolytes by magnetic microrheometry—pulsed creep experiments and the one particle response.
Journal of Rheology, 54(1),
p. 117.
(doi: 10.1122/1.3266946)
Yao, A., Tassieri, M. , Padgett, M. and Cooper, J.
Microrheology with optical tweezers.
Lab on a Chip, 9(17),
pp. 2568-2575.
(doi: 10.1039/b907992k)
Berri, S., Boyle, J.H., Tassieri, M. , Hope, I.A. and Cohen, N.
Forward locomotion of the nematode C. elegans is achieved through modulation of a single gait.
HFSP Journal, 3(3),
p. 186.
(doi: 10.2976/1.3082260)
Evans, R.M.L., Tassieri, M. , Auhl, D. and Waigh, T.A.
Direct conversion of rheological compliance measurements into storage and loss moduli.
Physical Review E, 80(1),
(doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.012501)
Tassieri, M. , Evans, R., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Khaname, G., Trinick, J. and Waigh, T.
Dynamics of semiflexible polymer solutions in the highly entangled regime.
Physical Review Letters, 101(19),
(doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.198301)
Tassieri, M. , Evans, R.M.L., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Trinick, J. and Waigh, T.A.
The self-assembly, elasticity, and dynamics of cardiac thin filaments☆.
Biophysical Journal, 94(6),
pp. 2170-2178.
(doi: 10.1529/biophysj.107.116087)
Carrick, L., Tassieri, M. , Waigh, T.A., Aggeli, A., Boden, N., Bell, C., Fisher, J., Ingham, E. and Evans, R.M.L.
The internal dynamic modes of charged self-assembled peptide fibrils.
Langmuir, 21(9),
pp. 3733-3737.
(doi: 10.1021/la046802f)
Simeone, M., Tassieri, M. , Sibillo, V. and Guido, S.
Effect of sol–gel transition on shear-induced drop deformation in aqueous mixtures of gellan and κ-carrageenan.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 281(2),
pp. 488-494.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2004.08.095)
Tassieri, M. , Grizzuti, N. and Greco, F.
Rheo-optical determination of the interfacial tension in a dispersed blend.
Macromolecular Symposia, 198(1),
pp. 53-68.
(doi: 10.1002/masy.200350806)
Simeone, M., Sibillo, V., Tassieri, M. and Guido, S.
Shear-induced clustering of gelling droplets in aqueous biphasic mixtures of gelatin and dextran.
Journal of Rheology, 46(5),
pp. 1263-1278.
(doi: 10.1122/1.1501962)
Wolf, B., Frith, W. J., Singleton, S., Tassieri, M. and Norton, I. T.
Shear behaviour of biopolymer suspensions with spheroidal and cylindrical particles.
Rheologica Acta, 40(3),
pp. 238-247.
(doi: 10.1007/s003970000133)
This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 12:46:55 2025 GMT.