Professor Michael Osborne

  • Professor Emeritus, formerly Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning (School of Education)


Michael Osborne is Professor Emeritus and was formely Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning at the University of Glasgow and Director of Research within the School of Education.

He is experienced in adult and continuing education, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education research, development and evaluation. He was also Director of the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL) within the College of Social Sciences, and was Co-director of the PASCAL Observatory on Place Management, Social Capital and Lifelong Learning within the School of Education. He is now Chair of the Executive Advisory Group of PASCAL

He holds a BSc in Chemistry with Mathematics (1975), a PhD in Organic Chemistry (1979)  and a Cert Ed in Further Education (1984). He is a Visiting Professor at RMIT Melbourne, and a Docent of the University of Tampere.

Research interests

Research interests

Professor Osborne's  main interests in research and development are: widening participation to higher education, teaching and learning, and innovation in higher education, the VET/HE interface, international development, sustainable developed, community-engaged research, the role of Big Data in Education, and the development of learning cities and regions. He has worked in the field of widening participation for some 30 years, beginning with work developing and evaluating the first Adult Access courses to Higher Education in the former Inner London Education Authority.  

Throughout his 17 years at the University Stirling, he was involved in a succession of externally-funded research awards in the fields of access to higher education, work-placed learning, environmental education, learning in SMEs and Learning Cities/Regions with funding from UK government departments and their agencies, the European Commission and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). This research included the development of Audit Tools for Stakeholders within Learning Regions (Indicators project under the Network of Learning Regions (R3L) programme) and projects that develop related Learning Audits for Regions (Lilara), and a Sustainable Network of Learning regions/cities (PENR3L); a major ESRC TLRP project on the Social and Organisation Mediation of University Learning (SOMUL). This work became consolidated within the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, which he established with Professor Jim Gallacher of Glasgow Caledonian University, and which he co-directed for a decade until 1997. CRLL developed an international reputation as of the world’s leading research centres in the field of lifelong learning. Also whilst at Stirling in 2004, he became European Director of the PASCAL Observatory for Place, Social Capital and Learning Regions, in collaboration with RMIT Melbourne. PASCAL emerged from the world of the OECD in learning regions and became a highly significant player in the field of place-based learning.

His most recent work has been directed towards the field of Learning Cities and Regions with a particular focus on the role of universities, Lifelong Learning for Work Transition in Mid-life, Big Data, Sustainable Development, and Teaching and Learning and Innovation in Higher Education.

Research collaborations

He is linked internationally to specialist groups concerned with lifelong learning in Universitas 21, and to organisations such as UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning and its International Institute for Educational Planning, the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV) and the Asia Europe Meeting Forum for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub within which he convenes a research cluster on Lifelong Learning Policy). Through the umbrella of the 'Big Tent' network he has established collaborative links with a number of significant players in the field of community-engaged research in universities. These organisations are the Global Alliance for Community-based Research, Asia Pacific Community University Engagement Network (APUCEN), Centro Bolivianos de Estudios Multidisciplinarios (CEBEM), Commonwealth University Extension and Engagement Network, Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI), Living Knowledge Network, Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), Service Learning Asia Network (SLAN) and the Talloires Network. Together these organisations have produced a series of international communiqués on community engagement in HE, which have been disseminated very widely in Higher Education.

He has been an investigator in a number of projects funded through the UKRI and by the European Commission around the themes of teaching and learning in HE, big data, sustainable development and lifelong learning. In the UK he has worked with government departments and with a number of agencies including the Higher Education Academy (now Advance HE) and National Association for Adult and Continuing Education (now the Learning and Work Institute). In Scotland he has worked with and for many bodies including Skills Development Scotland, the Scottish Qualifications Authority, the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament. Through the PASCAL Observatory and the Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning, he has worked closely with many individuals, universities and regions around the world.


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1989 | 1988 | 1986 | 1984 | 1983 | 1976
Number of items: 242.


Tubadji, A., Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Conroy, J. , Baur, P., Zipsane, H., McColl, M., Mark, R. and Nemeth, B. (2025) Aesthetic Education: What Are Learning Cities Learning in Order to Bring Peace & Human Flourishing? PASCAL Briefing Paper 30. [Research Reports or Papers]


Borkowska, K. , Ketuly, K. A., Osborne, M. , Mohammed, S. A. and Azizi, N. (2024) Embedding the third mission of universities in humanitarian crisis response: profiling the role of the University of Duhok in addressing health needs of internally displaced people and refugees. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, (doi: 10.1177/14779714241290658) (Early Online Publication)

Osborne, M. (2024) The benefits of university adult learning. International Review of Applied Economics, 38(4), pp. 395-409. (doi: 10.1080/02692171.2024.2362130)

Osborne, M. (2024) Around the world in fifteen articles. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 30(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/14779714241245195)

Osborne, M. , Nesterova, Y. and Bhandari, R. (2024) Learning for global health in cities - Community resilience and the strengthening of learning systems. CR&DALL Working Paper WP1101/2024. [Research Reports or Papers]

de los Reyos, M., Roy, S., Osborne, M. and Nesterova, Y. (2024) Local challenges, global imperatives: Cities at the forefront to achieve Education 2030. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2024) Adult Education – our part in its (partial) downfall and renewal. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2024) Impact – Playing the Long Game. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2024) Partnership and Innovation – The Case of the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy, and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods. In: Precedings of Jean Monnet Network on Social and Scientific Innovation to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Conference, Melbourne: RMIT, 26-27 June 2024, pp. 34-37.

Roy, S. and Osborne, M. (2024) Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures, PASCAL International Observatory Briefing Paper 28. [Research Reports or Papers]


Mou, T.-Y., Kao, C.-P., Lin, K.-Y. and Osborne, M. (2023) Exploring the mediator in science service learning: analysis of university students’ behavioural intention to use digital platforms. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 32, pp. 841-854. (doi: 10.1007/s40299-022-00700-2)

Osborne, M. , Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (Eds.) (2023) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei. ISBN 9786267381472

Kearns, P., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2023) Final thoughts - Facing up to the challenges of the future: Where now for learning cities? In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 107-114. ISBN 9786267381472

Osborne, M. and Piazza, R. (2023) Building sustainable learning cities = Costruire città dell’apprendimento sostenibili. Nuova Secondaria, XLI(1), pp. 134-142.

Osborne, M. (2023) Editorial – professional development and much more. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 29(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/14779714231163670)

Scott, P., Osborne, M. and Parry, G. (Eds.) (2023) Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783031123412

Osborne, M. , Edwards, R. and Mayes, T. (2023) Relations in learning and research: the case of the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning. In: Parry, G., Osborne, M. and Scott, P. (eds.) Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 325-348. ISBN 9783031123412 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-12342-9_13)

Parry, G., Osborne, M. and Scott, P. (2023) Introduction. In: Parry, G., Osborne, M. and Scott, P. (eds.) Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783031123412 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-12342-9_1)

Chang, Y.-Y., Kao, C.-P., Lin, K.-Y. and Osborne, M. (2023) Factors driving volunteers’ interest in science careers: self-efficacy, social support and satisfaction. Current Psychology, (doi: 10.1007/s12144-023-04266-0) (Early Online Publication)

Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (Eds.) (2023) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education; 17. Firenze University Press. ISBN 9791221502527

Osborne, M. (2023) Research Lifelong Learning: then and now. In: Lövgren, J., Sonne, L. and Weiss, M. N. (eds.) New Challenges – New Learning –New Possibilities. Proceedings from the 9th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning. Series: Folk high school research (2). LIT Verlag, pp. 19-36. ISBN 9783643916587

Osborne, M. (2023) Strengthening capacity to address urban, health and education challenges in fast-growing cities and neighbourhoods. In: Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education (17). Firenze University Press, pp. 175-189. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.20)

Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (2023) The legacy of Lalage Bown: an inclusive and post-colonial vision for adult learning and education. In: Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education (17). Firenze University Press, pp. 15-25. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.05)


Osborne, M. , Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (Eds.) (2022) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei. ISBN 9786267144985

Kearns, P., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2022) 終極的想法--面對未來的挑戰:學習型城市現在在哪裡?= Final thoughts - Facing up to the challenges of the future: Where now for learning cities? In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 105-112. ISBN 9786267144985

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2022) 大數據、終身學習與學習型城市:促進論述關於城市中社會不平等的學習 = Big data, lifelong learning and learning cities: Promoting city discourse on social inequalities in learning. In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 38-41. ISBN 9786267144985

Osborne, M. (2022) Editorial – COVID-19 responses in adult education, and life beyond. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 28(2), pp. 309-311. (doi: 10.1177/14779714221135360) (PMCID:PMC9574537)

Osborne, M. and Sim, S. K. (2022) Lifelong learning in Asia: a brief tour. In: Evans, K., Lee, W. O., Markowitsch, J. and Zukas, M. (eds.) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Series: Springer international handbooks of education. Springer: Cham. ISBN 9783030679309 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9_24-1)

Sundstedt, A., Young, G. and Osborne, M. (2022) SHLC (Animation). [Audio]

Osborne, M. (2022) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 28(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/14779714221094903)

Osborne, M. (2022) The barriers to access in higher education and their alleviation. In: Côté, J. E. and Pickard, S. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education [2nd Edition]. Routledge: London, pp. 160-173. ISBN 9781032201474 (doi: 10.4324/9781003262497-15)

Osborne, M. , Nesterova, Y. and Chakravarthi, D. (2022) Discussing healthy learning cities: an interview with Prof Mike Osborne and Dr Yulia Nesterova, University of Glasgow. [Audio]

Osborne, M. , Maitra, S. and Uflewska, A. (2022) Smart learning cities promoting lifelong learning through working lives. In: Malloch, M., Cairns, L., Evans, K. and O’Connor, B. N. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 376-389. ISBN 9781526491114 (doi: 10.4135/9781529757217.N24)

Osborne, M. (2022) Localizing SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2022 UN High Level Political Forum. In: Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments: Towards the Localization of the SDGs - Local and Regional Governments Breaking through for a Just and Sustainable Recovery. Series: Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2022 UN High Level Political Forum. United Cities and Local Governments: Barcelona, pp. 86-98.

Osborne, M. (2022) National LLL Policies and Learning Cities. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Piazza, R. and Reyes, Z. (2022) Universities’ Community Engagement in Europe and Southeast Asia: Supporting Immigrants and Refugees. [Research Reports or Papers]


Osborne, M. (2021) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 27(2), pp. 139-140. (doi: 10.1177/14779714211054131)

Panos, G. A. , Kromydas, T. , Osborne, M. and Wright, R. E. (2021) Is literacy a multi-dimensional concept? Some empirical evidence. In: Robinson, P. A., Williams, K. V. and Stojanovic, M. (eds.) Global Citizenship for Adult Education: Advancing Critical Literacies for Equity and Social Justice. Routledge: New York, pp. 105-123. ISBN 9780367505882 (doi: 10.4324/9781003050421-17)

Houston, M. , Osborne, M. and Neary, J. (2021) The quintuple helix in action in Africa and Asia: the SUEUAA project. Journal of Interdisciplinary Academic Research, 4(1), (doi: 10.32476/e612bd05-883f-415b-8590-d722b21b79c1)

Ahmad, S. , Baffoe, G. , Bhandari, R. , Young, G. and Osborne, M. (2021) Sustainable, healthy, learning cities and neighbourhoods. In: Venter, M. and Hattingh, S. (eds.) Learning for a Better Future: Perspectives on Higher Education, Cities, Business and Civil Society. Series: Centre for local economic development: topics in local development (vol.1). AOSIS: Cape Town, pp. 27-50. ISBN 9781928523970 (doi: 10.4102/aosis.2021.BK214.02)

Osborne, M. and Hernandez, S. (2021) Sustainable Learning Cities: Inclusion, Equity and Lifelong Learning. In: Howells, A. and Valdés-Cotera, R. (eds.) Inclusive Lifelong Learning in Cities: Policies and Practices for Vulnerable Groups. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, pp. 14-85. ISBN 9789282012451


Osborne, M. and Hernandez Mendoza, S. (2020) The challenge of Health and Well-being in learning cities, Summary of Webinar 6 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2020) The challenge of Education for Sustainable Development, Summary of Webinar 4 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lido, C. , Mason, P. , Hong, J. , Gorash, N., Anejionu, O. C.D. and Osborne, M. (2020) Integrated multimedia city data: exploring learning engagement and greenspace in Glasgow. Built Environment, 46(4), pp. 574-598. (doi: 10.2148/benv.46.4.574)

Osborne, M. (2020) Community-Based Participatory Research & Learning Cities, Summary of Webinar 5 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Schuller, T., Biao, I. and Osborne, M. (2020) Rethinking Lifelong Learning within Current Contexts of Time and Space. EcCoWell2 Briefing Paper 7. [Research Reports or Papers]

Rowell, C. and Osborne, M. (2020) Beyond schooling: learning cities and adult education in the Global South. In: London, M. (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Second Edition. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780197506707 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197506707.013.25)

Osborne, M. , Hernandez Mendoza, S., Torres Gomez, J. and Wheeler, L. (2020) The challenge of inclusion in learning cities, building on the work of the Fourth International Conference on Learning Cities. Summary of Webinar 1 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2020) University-community partnerships. In: David, M. E. and Amey, M. J. (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781473942912

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2020) Blurring boundaries: exploring the potential for ‘Big Data’ to address inequalities in lifewide learning engagement. In: Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (eds.) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series (25). Springer: Cham, pp. 265-283. ISBN 9783030282264 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28227-1_18)

Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101427)

Osborne, M. (2020) The University of the Third Age in the UK. In Duke, C. & Hinzen, H. (Eds.) (2020) Voluntary-based Study Circles and Related Municipal Policies: International Best Practices. [Research Reports or Papers]


Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2019) Lifewide learning in the city: novel big data approaches to exploring learning with large-scale surveys, GPS, and social media. Oxford Review of Education, 45(2), pp. 279-295. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2018.1554531)

Azizi, N. et al. (2019) The Role of Higher Education for Displaced and Marginalized Peoples – The SUEUAA Project. [Research Reports or Papers]


Osborne, M. , Houston, M. and Lido, C. (2018) The role of big data in elucidating learning cities ancient, present and future. In: Stenger, J. R. (ed.) Learning Cities in Late Antiquity: the Local Dimension of Education. Routledge: London ; New York, pp. 24-46. ISBN 9781138299870

Neary, J. and Osborne, M. (2018) University engagement in achieving sustainable development goals: a synthesis of case studies from the SUEUAA study. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 58(3),

Wilson, B., Osborne, M. and Guevara, R. (2018) Lifelong learning and sustainable development: from the guest editors’ desk. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 58(3), pp. 299-311.

Borkowska, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Locating the fourth helix: rethinking the role of civil society in developing smart learning cities. International Review of Education, 64(3), pp. 355-372. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-018-9723-0)

Osborne, M. (2018) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 24(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/1477971418774088)

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Big Data, Lifelong Learning and Learning Cities: Promoting City-Discourse on Social Inequalities in Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Tibbitt, J., Osborne, M. and Borkowska, K. (2018) Cities, businesses, innovation and learning. In: Di Rienzo, P. and Azara, L. (eds.) Learning city e diversità culturale. Rubbettino Editore, pp. 33-54. ISBN 9788849854589


Osborne, M. (2017) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 23(2), pp. 141-142. (doi: 10.1177/1477971417740219)

Osborne, M. and Borkowska, K. (2017) A European lens upon adult and lifelong learning in Asia. Asia Pacific Education Review, 18(2), pp. 269-280. (doi: 10.1007/s12564-017-9479-4)

Osborne, M. (2017) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 23(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/1477971417708930)

Cheng, M., Kitigawa, F. and Osborne, M. (2017) The evolution of internationalisation strategy: a case study of the University of Nottingham in China. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8(3), (doi: 10.1504/IJKBD.2017.10007519)

Osborne, M. (2017) Foreword. In: Preece, J., University Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning: The Porous University. Palgrave Macmillan: London, vii-x. ISBN 9783319561622 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56163-9)

Osborne, M. , Houston, M. and Borkowska, K. (2017) Strengthening the Regional Engagement Role of Universities in Africa and Asia (SRERUAA). [Research Reports or Papers]


Houston, M. , Krüger, K., Molas, A., Osborne, M. and Jiménez, L. (2016) Cooperation in work-oriented learning in higher education. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), pp. 685-705. (doi: 10.20319/pijss.2016.s21.685705)

Osborne, M. (2016) Access to higher education. In: Côté, J. E. and Furlong, A. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education. Routledge, pp. 119-130. ISBN 9781138778122

Osborne, M. (2016) 2016: A new dawn for adult education. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 22(1), pp. 3-5. (doi: 10.1177/1477971416629592)

Benneworth, P. and Osborne, M. (2016) Institutional approaches to supporting university entrepreneurship education: fitting entrepreneurship within university institutional architectures. Journal of the European Higher Education Area, 2-2016, pp. 1-26.

Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Livingston, M. , Thakuriah, P. and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 490-508. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1224037)

Osborne, M. , Laitinen, L. and Stenvall, J. (2016) Complex regional innovation networks and HEI engagement the case of Chicago. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 7(2), (doi: 10.1504/IJKBD.2016.076462)

Osborne, M. and Lido, C. (2016) Big Data Techniques to Improve Learning Access and Citizen Engagement for Adults in Urban Environments. In: International Conference of Taipei Learning City, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 2016,


Osborne, M. (2015) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 21(2), pp. 1-2.

Houston, M. , Osborne, M. and Rimmer, R. (2015) Private schooling and entry to medicine: a case study using matched samples and causal mediation analysis. BMC Medical Education, 15, 136. (doi: 10.1186/s12909-015-0415-1)

Osborne, M. (2015) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 21(1), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.21.1.1)

Carlot, C., Filloque, J.-M., Osborne, M. and Welsh, P. (Eds.) (2015) The Role of Higher Education in Regional and Community Development and in the Time of Economic Crisis. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862018907

Benneworth, P. and Osborne, M. (2015) Understanding Universities and Entrepreneurship Education: Towards a Comprehensive Future Research Agenda. Series: CR&DALL working papers series. CR&DALL: St. Andrews Building, Glasgow. ISBN 9780852619469

Bystrova, T.Y., Larionova, V.A., Osborne, M. and Platonov, A.M. (2015) Introduction of open E-learning system as a factor of regional development. Èkonomika Regiona = Economy of Region, pp. 226-237. (doi: 10.17059/2015-4-18)

Cheng, M., Kitagawa, F., Osborne, M. and Duke, C. (2015) Internationalisation as University Business Model Innovation: A Case Study of the University of Nottingham. In: CHER 2015: 28th Annual conference of Consortium of Higher Education Researcher, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 Sept 2015,

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2015) External stakeholders, collaborations and partnerships in WBL with Higher Education Institutions in the UK: context and cases. [Research Reports or Papers]

Krüger, K., Duch, N., Parellada, M., Osborne, M. , Mariani, M. and Jiménez, L. (2015) Social efficiency of tertiary lifelong: first insights from a European research project. In: Yang, J., Schneller, C. and Roche, S. (eds.) The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning. Series: UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies (3). UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, pp. 60-87. ISBN 9789282011942

Osborne, M. , Rimmer, R. and Houston, M. (2015) Adult access to higher education: an international overview. In: Yang, J., Schneller, C. and Roche, S. (eds.) The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning. Series: UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies (3). UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, pp. 17-39. ISBN 9789282011942

Osborne, M. and Lido, C. (2015) Lifelong learning and big data. In: Gartenschlaeger, U. and Hirsch, E. (eds.) Adult Education in an Interconnected World: Cooperation in Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Series: International perspectives in adult education (71). DVV International: Bonn, pp. 116-125. ISBN 9783942755238


Mwaikokesya, M. J.D., Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2014) Mapping lifelong learning attributes in the context of higher education institutions. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 20(2), pp. 21-36. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.20.2.3)

Osborne, M. (2014) Learning cities 2020. Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 4(3),

Krüger, K., Parellada Laur, M., Osborne, M. , Houston, M. , Molas, A. and Jiménez, L. (2014) The relevance of university adult education for labour market policies. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, 12, pp. 45-69.

Osborne, M. (2014) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 20(1), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.20.1.1)

Benneworth, P. and Osborne, M. (2014) Knowledge, engagement and higher education in Europe. In: Escrigas, C., Granados, J., Hall, B.L. and Tandon, R. (eds.) Higher Education in the World 5 Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change. Series: GUNI Series on the Social Commitment of Universities. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 204-217. ISBN 9780230535565

Osborne, M. , Duke, C., Kitigawa, F. and Cheng, M. (2014) The internationalisation strategy of the University of Nottingham (UK) and the establishment of campuses in Asia. In: Study on Innovation in Higher Education: Annexes. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, pp. 2-22. ISBN 9789279350825

Osborne, M. and Mayes, T. (2014) EU–originated MOOCs, with focus on multi- and single-institution platforms. In: Study on Innovation in Higher Education: Annexes. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, pp. 149-201. ISBN 9789279350825

Hamilton, R., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2014) Profiling regional engagement in higher education: challenges and opportunities. In: Hinzen, H. and Knoll, J.H. (eds.) Lifelong Learning and Governance: From Programming to Action-Selected Experiences from Asia and Europe. DVV International: Vientiane, pp. 107-138.

Jordan, L., Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2014) The rise and fall and rise again of learning cities. In: Zarifis, G.K. and Gravani, M. (eds.) Challenging the ‘European Area of Lifelong Learning’: A Critical Response. Series: Lifelong learning book series (19). Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 273-284. ISBN 9789400772984 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-7299-1_24)

Kearns, P. and Osborne, M. (2014) El programa de intercambios internacionales de PASCAL: hacia una visión de las ciudades de aprendizaje en 2020. Decisio, 39, pp. 39-44.

Krüger, K. et al. (2014) Social Effectiveness of Tertiary Education for Adults in Mid-life. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2014) PASCAL learning city networks. Education Permanente, 2014(3), pp. 14-15.

Osborne, M. (2014) Why lifelong learning and why learning cities? Pedagogy, 86(7), pp. 1067-1077.

Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2014) Adult education and place: a vital link for learning cities. PASCAL Briefing Paper 5. [Research Reports or Papers]


Duke, C., Osborne, M. and Wilson, B. (2013) A New Imperative: Regions and Higher Education in Difficult Times. Series: Universities and lifelong learning. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719088308

Kearns, P., Neylon, T., Lane, Y. and Osborne, M. (2013) The learning festival: pathway to sustainable learning cities? Adult Learner: The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, pp. 90-99.

Osborne, M. , Kearns, P. and Yang, J. (2013) Learning cities: developing inclusive, prosperous and sustainable urban communities. International Review of Education, 59(4), pp. 409-423. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-013-9384-y)

Osborne, M. (2013) Access and retention. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education (4th Edition). Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 316-326. ISBN 9780748645824

Hamilton, R., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2013) Profiling regional engagement and lifelong learning in higher education: closing the engagement gap. Bildung und Erziehung, 66(4), pp. 437-452.

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2013) Tertiary Higher Education for People in Mid-life (THEMP) National Report of Case Studies UK: Scotland. THEMP Discussion Paper 7.6. [Research Reports or Papers]

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2013) Teaching and Learning in University Lifelong Learning for People in Mid-Life: THEMP Discussion Paper 6.1. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kearns, P., Osborne, M. and Reghenzani-Kearns, D. (2013) Building Inclusive and Sustainable Learning Cities - PASCAL International Exchanges - A Review. [Research Reports or Papers]

Krüger, K., Parellada, M., Alvarez, M., Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2013) Core Dimensions of Social Effectiveness in University Adult Education. Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo: Barcelona.

Osborne, M. (2013) Challenges for adult access in Europe. In: Klinger, C. and Murray, N. (eds.) Aspirations, Access and Attainment: International Perspectives on Widening Participation. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 82-96. ISBN 9780415828789


Eckert, T., Preisinger-Kleine, R., Fartusnic, C., Houston, M. , Juceviciene, P., Dillon, B., Nemeth, B., Kleisz, T., Ceseviciute, I., Thinesse-Demel, J., Osborne, M. and Wallin, E. (2012) Quality in Developing Learning Cities and Regions: A Guide for Practitioners and Stakeholders. Ludwig Maximilian University: Munich, Germany. ISBN 9783000373336

Houston, M. , Lumsden, M.A. and Osborne, M. (2012) The Working in Health Access Programme (WHAP): impact on school leaving exam results and applications to Medicine.

Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2012) United Kingdom – Universities and lifelong learning in the UK – adults as losers, but who are the winners? In: Slowey, M. and Schuetze, H. (eds.) Global Perspectives on HE and Lifelong Learners. Routledge. ISBN 9780415675079

Osborne, M. (2012) Mapping the UK Landscape of Tertiary Lifelong Learning. THEMP Discussion Paper 4.8. [Research Reports or Papers]

Preece, J., Ntseane, P.G., Modise, O.M. and Osborne, M. (2012) Engagement in African Universities: Perspectives, Prospects and Challenges. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862015999


Osborne, M. (2011) Jean Monnet KA1: 'Excellence centres and chairs'. In: Interim Evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013). UNSPECIFIED, pp. 100-111.

Houston, M. , McCune, V. and Osborne, M. (2011) Flexible learning and its contribution to widening participation: a synthesis of research. [Research Reports or Papers]

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2011) Effective partnerships in the development of learning city/regions at both macro and micro levels: a case study approach. In: FACE 2011 Annual Conference: Lifelong Learning and Community Development, Glasgow, UK, 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2011,

Osborne, M. (2011) Country report on the action plan on adult learning: UK. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2011) Regional Networks in a Transnational Context. [Keynote]. In: International Conference on Professional Network Management, Potsdam, Germany, Nov 24 2011 - Nov 25 2011,

Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2011) Background Report: Scotland UK. [Research Reports or Papers]


Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2010) Cultural and Creative Industries in the PURE Project. In: 4th Annual Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture, Pécs, Hungary, 14-15th October 2010,

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2010) Six ages towards a learning region — a retrospective. European Journal of Education, 45(3), pp. 368-401.

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (Eds.) (2010) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policies, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862014480

Osborne, M. and Longworth, N. (2010) Introduction. In: Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policies, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862014480

Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M. , Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (2010) Improving What Is Learned At University: An Exploration Of The Social And Organisational Diversity Of University Education. Series: Improving learning TLRP. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415480154

Buiskool, B.J., Broek, S.D., van Lakerveld, J.A., Zarifis, G.K. and Osborne, M. (2010) Key competences for adult learning professionals: contribution to the development of a reference framework of key competences for adult learning professionals. [Research Reports or Papers]

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2010) Introduction: Advances in learning city/region development. In: Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policy, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester, 1 - 28. ISBN 9781862014480

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2010) PENR3L and EUROlocal - facilitators of European regional economic, social and environmental development. In: Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policy, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester, 229 - 251. ISBN 978 1 86201 448 0


Brennan, J., Osborne, M. and Shah, T. (2009) What is learned at university? The social and organisational mediation of university learning (The SOMUL project): Key findings. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2009) Adult learning professionals in Europe. European Journal of Education, 44(2), pp. 143-144. (doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3435.2009.01388.x)

Osborne, M. and Sankey, K. (2009) Non-vocational adult education and its professionals in the United Kingdom. European Journal of Education, 44(2), pp. 271-289. (doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3435.2009.01382.x)

Brennan, J., Jary, D., Richardson, J. and Osborne, M. (2009) The social and organisational mediation of university learning. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 17-30. ISBN 9780415480154

Brennan, J., Osborne, M. and Jary, D. (2009) The universities: cultures, organisations and reputations. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 33-54. ISBN 9780415480154

Jary, D. and Osborne, M. (2009) Implications for institutions, academic staff and students. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 171-192. ISBN 9780415480154

Maclachlan, K. and Osborne, M. (2009) Lifelong learning, development, knowledge and identity. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 39(5), pp. 575-583.

Osborne, M. (2009) Universities and their regional engagement. In: FACE Conference 2009, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 1-3 July 2009,

Osborne, M. , Brennan, J. and Edmunds, R. (2009) Diversities and commonalities in the student experience. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 157-168. ISBN 9780415480154

Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (2009) La formazione continua universitaria in Europa: sistemi a confronto. In: Piazza, R. (ed.) Lifelong learning ed educazione democratica in Europa. Guerini Scientifica: Milan, pp. 117-146. ISBN 9788881072859


Lumsden, M.A. , Millar, K., Osborne, M. and Remedios, R. (2008) Working in Health Access Programme (WHAP): Initial results. Medical Education, 42(4), pp. 412-419. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03007.x)

Brennan, J. and Osborne, M. (2008) Higher education's many diversities: of students, institutions and experiences; and outcomes? Research Papers in Education, 23(2), pp. 179-190. (doi: 10.1080/02671520802048711)

McNair, S., Quintero-Re, L., Clarke, A., Eldred, J., Hallam, A., Lavender, P., O'Hagan, J., Pearce, R., Thomson, A., Tuckett, A., Watters, K., Osborne, M. , Tibbett, J. and Tett, L. (2008) CONFINTEA VI : United Kingdom National Report: National Report on the Development and State of the Art Adult Learning and Education (ALE). National Institute of Adult Continuing Eduation: Leicester. ISBN 9781862013810

Osborne, M. (2008) Widening participation to Higher Education in the UK. In: Hanft, A. and Knust, M. (eds.) Weiterbildung im Elfenbeinturm!? Waxmann: Muenster, pp. 39-42.

Trache, M., Schuetze, H. and Osborne, M. (2008) University continuing education: third mission or first? Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 14(1),


Osborne, M. , Houston, M. and Toman, N. (Eds.) (2007) The Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning: Understanding Effective Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415424943

Doyle, L. , Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2007) Grading: A Review of National and International Issues. [Research Reports or Papers]

Morgan-Klein, B. and Osborne, M. (2007) The Concepts and Practices of Lifelong Learning. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415428606

Osborne, M. , Sankey, K. and Wilson, B. (2007) Social Capital, Lifelong Learning and the Management of Place: An International Perspective. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415427951

Wallace, C., McKie, J., Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2007) Assessment: a review in practice. [Research Reports or Papers]


Osborne, M. and McLaurin, I. (2006) A probability matching approach to further education/higher education transition in Scotland. Higher Education, 52(1), pp. 149-183. (doi: 10.1007/s10734-004-7279-3)

Allen, L., Osborne, M. and Storan, J. (2006) Annex C: Literature Review. Sub-theme 1: Local and Regional Partnerships to Extend Participation in Higher Education to Socially Disadvantaged Groups. [Research Reports or Papers]

Field, J. and Osborne, M. (2006) Researching social capital in Europe: towards a toolkit for measurement. In: Duke, C., Doyle, L. and Wilson, B. (eds.) Making Knowledge Work: Sustaining Learning Communities and Regions. NIACE: Leicester, pp. 54-66. ISBN 9781862012462

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2006) What is learned at university: the social and organisational mediation of university learning. In: TLRP Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, Nov 2006,

Osborne, M. and Young, D. (2006) Flexibility and Widening Participation. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2006) Learning Principles Toolkit: Learning Centres in the Learning Regions. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2006) Learning Principles Toolkit: Learning Styles (Theory). [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2006) Learning Principles Toolkit: Managing Transition. [Research Reports or Papers]

Sankey, K. and Osborne, M. (2006) Lifeling learning reaching regions where other learning doesn't reach. In: Edwards, R., Gallacher, J. and Whittaker, S. (eds.) Learning Outside the Academy: International Research Perspectives on Lifelong Learning. Routledge: London, pp. 202-223. ISBN 9780415365857


Wilson, B., Osborne, M. and Doyle, L. (2005) Building Partnerships to Promote Economic and Social Wellbeing and Learning. In: International Conference on Engaging Communities, Brisbane, Australia, 14-17 Aug 2005,

Brennan, J. and Osborne, M. (2005) The organisational mediation of university learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Duke, C., Osborne, M. and Wilson, B. (2005) Rebalancing the Social and Economic: Learning Partnership and Place. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester. ISBN 9781862012707

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2005) Applications and acceptances. In: From the Margins to the Mainstream Conference: Universities UK, Standing Conference of Principals, London, UK, Mar 2005,

McGavock, K. and Osborne, M. (2005) Making a difference? A review of widening access initiatives to medicine in the UK. Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 3(1), pp. 3-20.

Osborne, M. (2005) Constructive alignment of learning outcomes to assessment methods: an overview. In: Enhancing Practice: ­Reflections on Assessment Vol. 1. Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education: Mansfield, UK, pp. 114-147. ISBN 1844822656

Osborne, M. (2005) Introduction. In: Gallacher, J. and Osborne, M. (eds.) A Contested Landscape: International Perspectives on Diversity in Mass Higher Education. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781862012332

Osborne, M. and Brennan, J. (2005) The social and organisational mediation of university teaching: a focus on organisational mediation. In: 3rd International CRLL Conference, Stirling, UK, 24-26 June 2005,

Osborne, M. and Gallacher, J. (2005) The role of short-cycle higher education in the changing landscape of higher education: issues for consideration. In: Gallacher, J. and Osborne, M. (eds.) A Contested Landscape: International Perspectives on Diversity in Mass Higher Education. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 195-211. ISBN 9781862012332

Thomas, L., May, H., Harrop, H., Houston, M. , Knox, H., Lee, M.F., Osborne, M. , Pudner, H. and Trotman, C. (2005) From the Margins to the Mainstream: Embedding Widening Participation in Higher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]


Pouget, M. and Osborne, M. (2004) Accreditation or validation of prior experiential learning: knowledge and savoirs in France—a different perspective? Studies in Continuing Education, 26(1), pp. 45-66. (doi: 10.1080/158037042000199452)

Crossan, B. and Osborne, M. (2004) Questions of access and participation: some contributions from qualitative research. In: Osborne, M., Gallagher, J. and Crossan, B. (eds.) Researching Widening Access to Higher and Further Education: Issues and Approaches in International Research. RoutledgeFalmer: London, pp. 141-149. ISBN 9780415322362

Murphy, M. , Morgan-Klein, B., Osborne, M. and Gallacher, J. (2004) Widening Participation in Higher Education: Report to the Scottish Executive. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2004) Adults in British Higher Education. In: Mark, R., Pouget, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Adults in Higher Education : Learning From Experience in the New Europe. Peter Lang: Oxford. ISBN 9783039101825

Osborne, M. (2004) Work process knowledge and lifelong learning policies. In: Fischer, M., Boreham, N. and Nyhan, B. (eds.) European Perspectives on Learning at Work : The Acquisition of Work Process Knowledge. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg, pp. 366-386. ISBN 9789289602730

Osborne, M. and Bell, D. (2004) Research on Approaches to Public Funding and Development of Tertiary Education within Selected OECD Nations. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Bell, D. (2004) A Review of the Financing of Post-Compulsory Education in Selected OECD Countries. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Gallacher, J. (2004) An international perspective on researching widening access. In: Osborne, M., Gallacher, J. and Crossan, B. (eds.) Researching Widening Access to Higher and Further Education: Issues and Approaches in International Research. RoutledgeFalmer: London, pp. 3-16. ISBN 9780415322362

Osborne, M. , Gallacher, J. and Crossan, B. (2004) Researching Widening Access to Lifelong Learning: Issues and Approaches in International Research. RoutledgeFalmer: London. ISBN 9780415322362

Osborne, M. , Marks, A. and Turner, E. (2004) Becoming a mature student: how adult applicants weigh the advantages and disadvantages of higher education. Higher Education, 48(3), pp. 291-315. (doi: 10.1023/B:HIGH.0000035541.40952.ab)

Osborne, M. and Oberski, I. (2004) University continuing education: the role of communications and information technology. Journal of European Industrial Training, 28(5), pp. 414-428. (doi: 10.1108/03090590410533099)

Osborne, M. , Sandberg, H. and Tuomi, O. (2004) A comparison of developments in university continuing education in Finland, the UK and Sweden. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 23(2), pp. 137-158. (doi: 10.1080/0260137042000184183)


Osborne, M. , Stephen, C. and Lumsden, M. (2003) Widening access to medical school - a prescription for changing the socio-economic base of applicants and entrants. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 5(1), pp. 10-17.

Osborne, M. (2003) Editorial. European Journal of Education, 38(1), pp. 1-3. (doi: 10.1111/1467-3435.t01-1-00124)

Osborne, M. (2003) Increasing or widening participation in higher education? - a European overview. European Journal of Education, 38(1), pp. 5-24. (doi: 10.1111/1467-3435.00125)

Osborne, M. and Edwards, R. (2003) Inquiring into lifelong learning. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 8(2), pp. 165-178.

Marks, A., Turner, E. and Osborne, M. (2003) 'Not for the likes of me': the overlapping effect of social class and gender factors in the decision made by adults not to participate in higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27(4), pp. 347-364. (doi: 10.1080/0309877032000128064)

Osborne, M. (2003) Policy and practice in widening participation: a six country comparative study of access as flexibility. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(1), pp. 43-58. (doi: 10.1080/02601370304826)

Osborne, M. (2003) The university and the lifelong learning region. In: 26th EUCEN Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, 6-9 Nov 2003,

Osborne, M. (2003) University continuing education - international understandings. In: Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 15-30. ISBN 9781862011571

Osborne, M. (2003) University continuing education in the United Kingdom. In: Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 463-485. ISBN 9781862011571

Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (2003) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester. ISBN 9781862011571

Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (2003) An overview of university continuing education in Europe. In: Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 486-528. ISBN 9781862011571


Brink, B., Munro, J. and Osborne, M. (2002) Online learning technology in an SME work-based setting. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 5(2), pp. 81-86.

Davies, P., Osborne, M. and Williams, J. (2002) For Me or Not for Me? - That is the Question: A Study of Mature Students' Decision Making. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2002) Never mind the width, feel the quality. In: Roebuck, D. (ed.) Envisioning Practice - Implementing Change. Australian Academic Press: Brisbane, Qld., Australia. ISBN 9781875378449

Osborne, M. (2002) Research and lifelong learning. In: 2nd International Lifelong Learning Conference, Queensland, Australia, 16-19 June 2002,

Osborne, M. (2002) What works? In: Teacher, Facilitator, Mentor or Manager? New Roles and Competencies for Academics in a Lifelong Learning University. Proceedings of the 23rd EUCEN Conference, Pecs. Hungary, 15-18 May 2002. EUCEN Institute of Adult Education, University of Pécs,, pp. 53-64. ISBN 9789636418854

Osborne, M. , Brink, B., Cloonan, M., Davies, P., Marks, A., Turner, E. and Williams, J. (2002) Mature Student Recruitment to HE (Scotland). [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Cloonan, M. and Oberski, I. (2002) European partnerships: exhilaration or exasperation? In: Field, J. (ed.) Promoting European Dimensions in Lifelong Learning. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 54-65. ISBN 9781862010482

Osborne, M. , Gallacher, J. and Murphy, M. (2002) A research review of FE/HE links - a report to the Scottish Executive Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Department. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Marks, A. (2002) Mature student recruitment to HE. Broadcast: Journal of the Scottish Further Education Unit, 55, pp. 50-53.

Osborne, M. and Turner, E. (2002) Private training providers in Scotland. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 54(2), pp. 267-294. (doi: 10.1080/13636820200200198)


Crompton, P., Kosinsky, V., Osborne, M. and Timms, D. (2001) ODELUCE - Open and Distance Education & Learning in University Continuing Education. In: Rocha-Trindade, A. R. (ed.) New Learning: Invited Articles of the Conference "ODL Networking for Quality Learning". Universidade Aberta: Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 87-103. ISBN 9726743257

Davies, P., Osborne, M. and Williams, J. (2001) Mature Student Recruitment to HE. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Brink, B., Cloonan, M., Davies, P., Marks, A., Turner, E. and Williams, J. (2001) For Me or Not for Me in Scotland? A Report of Mature Student Participation in Higher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Davies, P. (2001) Mature student recruitment to higher education - a comparison of Scotland in relation to the UK as a whole. In: Researching Widening Access. International Perspectives Conference Proceedings, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, 29 June-1 July 2001. Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, pp. 331-339. ISBN 9781903661147

Osborne, M. (2001) A Research Agenda for Lifelong Learning. In: The Final Conference of the Council of Europe - Lifelong Learning for Equity and Social Cohesion Programme, Paris, France, 15-17 November 2001,


Oberski, I., Palomar, A., Noya, C., Ruggiero, E., Herrera, F., Korhonen, K., Osborne, M. and Davies, P. (2000) Evaluating online work-based education for managers in SMEs: some initial observations. Industry and Higher Education, 14(3), pp. 200-203. (doi: 10.5367/000000000101295057)

Osborne, M. , Cloonan, M., Morgan-Klein, B. and Loots, C. (2000) Mix and match? Further and higher education links in post-devolution Scotland. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 19(3), pp. 236-252. (doi: 10.1080/026013700293287)

Young, J., Gallacher, J., Leahy, J., Osborne, M. and Raab, G. (2000) Review of the Supply of and Demand for Further Education in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]


Cloonan, M., Hearinger, A., Matarazzo, B., Murphy, M. and Osborne, M. (1999) The use of cost-benefit analysis in funding continuing education: steering the fifth wheel? International Journal of Lifelong Education, 18(6), pp. 492-504. (doi: 10.1080/026013799293540)

Oberski, I., Osborne, M. , Noya, C., Korhonen, K. and Herrera, F. (1999) European learning in smaller companies (ELISC) (online training in SMEs). Continuing Professional Development, 2(4), pp. 122-125.

Osborne, M. , Gallacher, J. and Cloonan, M. (1999) Researching Lifelong Learning: An Introductory Briefing. [Research Reports or Papers]


Loots, C., Osborne, M. and Seagreaves, L. (1998) Learning at work: work-based access to higher education. Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 46(1), pp. 16-30.


Dockrell, R., Hettich, P. and Osborne, M. (1997) A study of contrasting models of transferable skills in Higher Education: the UK and the US. Continuing Higher Education Review, 61, pp. 12-27.

Osborne, M. (1997) Participants in a Work-based Learning Programme: Small and Medium Enterprises and their Employees. In: Good Thinking: Good Practice – Research Perspectives on Learning and Work, 5th Annual International Conference on Post- compulsory Education and Training, Griffith University. Brisbane, Queensland, 26-28 November 1997,

Osborne, M. , Leopold, J. and Ferrie, A. (1997) Does access work? The relative performance of access students at a Scottish university. Higher Education, 33(2), pp. 155-176. (doi: 10.1023/A:1002927816754)


Seagraves, L., Osborne, M. and Kemp, I. (1996) Are academic outcomes of higher education provision relevant to and deliverable in the workplace setting? Higher Education, 32(2), pp. 157-176. (doi: 10.1007/BF00138394)

Gallacher, J., Osborne, M. and Postle, G. (1996) Increasing and widening access to higher education: a comparative study of policy and provision in Scotland and Australia. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 15(6), pp. 418-437. (doi: 10.1080/0260137960150603)

Leopold, J.W. and Osborne, M. (1996) The performance of former in-house access students at a Scottish university. Journal of Access Studies, 11(1), pp. 120-131.

Osborne, M. , Neal, P. and Seagraves, L. (1996) Universities and their working communities: some Scottish perspectives. Scottish Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 3(1), pp. 63-84.

Osborne, M.J. , Dockrell, R. and Reeve, F. (1996) Portfolio based access to degree studies. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 20(2), pp. 81-96.

Seagraves, L., Osborne, M. , Neal, P., Dockrell, R., Hartshorn, C. and Boyd, A. (1996) Learning in Smaller Companies: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]


Osborne, M.J. , Seagraves, L., Dockrell, R. and Neal, P. (1995) LISC Interim Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Seagraves, L. and Osborne, M. (1995) Learner motivation in part-time higher education including work-based learning. In: Towards a Learning Workforce Conference, Lancaster, UK, 12-13 September 1995,

Seagraves, L., Osborne, M. , Neal, P., Dockrell, R., Hartshorn, C. and Boyd, A. (1995) Learning in Smaller Companies: Interim Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Skinner, A. and Osborne, M. (1995) UACE(S) response to SHEFC Circular 53/94, Continuing Education. Scottish Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2(1), pp. 93-100.


Osborne, M. and Sankey, K. (1994) A climate change for environmental education and training in the professions. Scottish Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 1(1), pp. 5-20.


Cope, P. and Osborne, M. (1993) Access: instrumentalism in action? A case study of access to secondary teacher training. Journal of Access Studies, 8(2), pp. 246-254.

Osborne, M.J. , Yule, W., Dockrell, R. and Carmichael, J. (1993) Accreditation of In–house Courses and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Some Case Studies. Stirling University / Glasgow Caledonian University: Stirling / Glasgow.


Johnstone, R., Cope, P. and Osborne, M. (1992) Recruiting mature adults into concurrent initial teacher-training: the Stirling Access to Teaching scheme. Scottish Journal of Adult Education, 1(1), pp. 44-51.


Osborne, M.J. and Sankey, K. (Eds.) (1991) Towards Environmental Competence in Scotland. World Wide Fund for Nature (UK) / Scottish Enterprise / Scottish Environmental Education Council / University of Stirling: Godalming, UK. ISBN 0905574117

Gallacher, J. and Osborne, M. (1991) Different national models of access provision – a comparison between Scotland and England. Journal of Access Studies, 6(2), pp. 147-164.

Osborne, M.J. and Sankey, K. (1991) Towards environmental competence: phase 3, professional bodies. In: Osborne, M.J. and Sankey, K. (eds.) Towards Environmental Competence in Scotland. World Wide Fund for Nature (UK) / Scottish Enterprise / Scottish Environmental Education Council / University of Stirling: Godalming, UK. ISBN 0905574117


Osborne, M. and Woodrow, M. (1989) Access to Mathematics, Science and Technology. Further Education Unit: London, UK. ISBN 9781853381188


Osborne, M. (1988) Access courses in mathematics, science and technology: current and planned provision. Journal of Access Studies, 3(1), pp. 64-74.

Osborne, M. (1988) Access courses in mathematics, science and technology: selected case studies. Journal of Access Studies, 3(2), pp. 48-63.

Woodrow, M. and Osborne, M. (1988) The Access Course in Food Studies. Series: Access to higher education, case study, 6. The Royal Society: London.


Banthorpe, D. V., Branch, S. A., Njar, V. C.O., Osborne, M. G. and Watson, D. G. (1986) Ability of plant callus cultures to synthesize and accumulate lower terpenoids. Phytochemistry, 25(3), pp. 629-636. (doi: 10.1016/0031-9422(86)88013-x)


Banthorpe, D.V. and Osborne, M.J. (1984) Terpene epoxidases and epoxide hydratases from cultures of Jasminum officinale. Phytochemistry, 23(4), pp. 905-907. (doi: 10.1016/S0031-9422(00)85057-8)


Osborne, M. (1983) The apartheid war: drug, torture, biological tests. Africa Now, pp. 41-43.

Banthorpe, D.V., Barrow, S.E. and Osborne, M.J. (1983) Seasonally-dependent oxidative metabolism of terpenes in Tanacetum vulgare. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie, 111(2), pp. 175-177.

Osborne, M. (1983) Kuba: Chemischer Kreig gegen eine Revolution. In: Dhunjibhoy, R. and Hübener, K.-L. (eds.) Unterwanderung: Die Destabilisierungsstrategie der USA von Nicaragua bis Angola. Peter Hammer Verlag: Wuppertal, Germany. ISBN 9783872942234


Cook, J.A., Osborne, M.J. and Rice, D.A. (1976) Complexes of the phenylmethane nitronato and propane-2-nitronato anions with divalent metal ions. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 38(4), pp. 711-713. (doi: 10.1016/0022-1902(76)80342-9)

This list was generated on Sun Mar 23 20:29:46 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 242.


Borkowska, K. , Ketuly, K. A., Osborne, M. , Mohammed, S. A. and Azizi, N. (2024) Embedding the third mission of universities in humanitarian crisis response: profiling the role of the University of Duhok in addressing health needs of internally displaced people and refugees. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, (doi: 10.1177/14779714241290658) (Early Online Publication)

Osborne, M. (2024) The benefits of university adult learning. International Review of Applied Economics, 38(4), pp. 395-409. (doi: 10.1080/02692171.2024.2362130)

Osborne, M. (2024) Around the world in fifteen articles. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 30(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/14779714241245195)

Mou, T.-Y., Kao, C.-P., Lin, K.-Y. and Osborne, M. (2023) Exploring the mediator in science service learning: analysis of university students’ behavioural intention to use digital platforms. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 32, pp. 841-854. (doi: 10.1007/s40299-022-00700-2)

Osborne, M. and Piazza, R. (2023) Building sustainable learning cities = Costruire città dell’apprendimento sostenibili. Nuova Secondaria, XLI(1), pp. 134-142.

Osborne, M. (2023) Editorial – professional development and much more. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 29(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/14779714231163670)

Chang, Y.-Y., Kao, C.-P., Lin, K.-Y. and Osborne, M. (2023) Factors driving volunteers’ interest in science careers: self-efficacy, social support and satisfaction. Current Psychology, (doi: 10.1007/s12144-023-04266-0) (Early Online Publication)

Osborne, M. (2022) Editorial – COVID-19 responses in adult education, and life beyond. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 28(2), pp. 309-311. (doi: 10.1177/14779714221135360) (PMCID:PMC9574537)

Osborne, M. (2022) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 28(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/14779714221094903)

Osborne, M. (2021) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 27(2), pp. 139-140. (doi: 10.1177/14779714211054131)

Houston, M. , Osborne, M. and Neary, J. (2021) The quintuple helix in action in Africa and Asia: the SUEUAA project. Journal of Interdisciplinary Academic Research, 4(1), (doi: 10.32476/e612bd05-883f-415b-8590-d722b21b79c1)

Lido, C. , Mason, P. , Hong, J. , Gorash, N., Anejionu, O. C.D. and Osborne, M. (2020) Integrated multimedia city data: exploring learning engagement and greenspace in Glasgow. Built Environment, 46(4), pp. 574-598. (doi: 10.2148/benv.46.4.574)

Thakuriah, P. (V.), Sila-Nowicka, K. , Hong, J. , Boididou, C., Osborne, M. , Lido, C. and McHugh, A. (2020) Integrated Multimedia City Data (iMCD): a composite survey and sensing approach to understanding urban living and mobility. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 80, 101427. (doi: 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2019.101427)

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2019) Lifewide learning in the city: novel big data approaches to exploring learning with large-scale surveys, GPS, and social media. Oxford Review of Education, 45(2), pp. 279-295. (doi: 10.1080/03054985.2018.1554531)

Neary, J. and Osborne, M. (2018) University engagement in achieving sustainable development goals: a synthesis of case studies from the SUEUAA study. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 58(3),

Wilson, B., Osborne, M. and Guevara, R. (2018) Lifelong learning and sustainable development: from the guest editors’ desk. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 58(3), pp. 299-311.

Borkowska, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Locating the fourth helix: rethinking the role of civil society in developing smart learning cities. International Review of Education, 64(3), pp. 355-372. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-018-9723-0)

Osborne, M. (2018) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 24(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/1477971418774088)

Osborne, M. (2017) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 23(2), pp. 141-142. (doi: 10.1177/1477971417740219)

Osborne, M. and Borkowska, K. (2017) A European lens upon adult and lifelong learning in Asia. Asia Pacific Education Review, 18(2), pp. 269-280. (doi: 10.1007/s12564-017-9479-4)

Osborne, M. (2017) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 23(1), pp. 3-4. (doi: 10.1177/1477971417708930)

Cheng, M., Kitigawa, F. and Osborne, M. (2017) The evolution of internationalisation strategy: a case study of the University of Nottingham in China. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 8(3), (doi: 10.1504/IJKBD.2017.10007519)

Houston, M. , Krüger, K., Molas, A., Osborne, M. and Jiménez, L. (2016) Cooperation in work-oriented learning in higher education. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2(1), pp. 685-705. (doi: 10.20319/pijss.2016.s21.685705)

Osborne, M. (2016) 2016: A new dawn for adult education. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 22(1), pp. 3-5. (doi: 10.1177/1477971416629592)

Benneworth, P. and Osborne, M. (2016) Institutional approaches to supporting university entrepreneurship education: fitting entrepreneurship within university institutional architectures. Journal of the European Higher Education Area, 2-2016, pp. 1-26.

Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Livingston, M. , Thakuriah, P. and Sila-Nowicka, K. (2016) Older learning engagement in the modern city. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 35(5), pp. 490-508. (doi: 10.1080/02601370.2016.1224037)

Osborne, M. , Laitinen, L. and Stenvall, J. (2016) Complex regional innovation networks and HEI engagement the case of Chicago. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 7(2), (doi: 10.1504/IJKBD.2016.076462)

Osborne, M. (2015) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 21(2), pp. 1-2.

Houston, M. , Osborne, M. and Rimmer, R. (2015) Private schooling and entry to medicine: a case study using matched samples and causal mediation analysis. BMC Medical Education, 15, 136. (doi: 10.1186/s12909-015-0415-1)

Osborne, M. (2015) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 21(1), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.21.1.1)

Bystrova, T.Y., Larionova, V.A., Osborne, M. and Platonov, A.M. (2015) Introduction of open E-learning system as a factor of regional development. Èkonomika Regiona = Economy of Region, pp. 226-237. (doi: 10.17059/2015-4-18)

Mwaikokesya, M. J.D., Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2014) Mapping lifelong learning attributes in the context of higher education institutions. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 20(2), pp. 21-36. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.20.2.3)

Osborne, M. (2014) Learning cities 2020. Hungarian Educational Research Journal, 4(3),

Krüger, K., Parellada Laur, M., Osborne, M. , Houston, M. , Molas, A. and Jiménez, L. (2014) The relevance of university adult education for labour market policies. Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, 12, pp. 45-69.

Osborne, M. (2014) Editorial. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 20(1), pp. 1-2. (doi: 10.7227/JACE.20.1.1)

Kearns, P. and Osborne, M. (2014) El programa de intercambios internacionales de PASCAL: hacia una visión de las ciudades de aprendizaje en 2020. Decisio, 39, pp. 39-44.

Osborne, M. (2014) PASCAL learning city networks. Education Permanente, 2014(3), pp. 14-15.

Osborne, M. (2014) Why lifelong learning and why learning cities? Pedagogy, 86(7), pp. 1067-1077.

Kearns, P., Neylon, T., Lane, Y. and Osborne, M. (2013) The learning festival: pathway to sustainable learning cities? Adult Learner: The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education, pp. 90-99.

Osborne, M. , Kearns, P. and Yang, J. (2013) Learning cities: developing inclusive, prosperous and sustainable urban communities. International Review of Education, 59(4), pp. 409-423. (doi: 10.1007/s11159-013-9384-y)

Hamilton, R., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2013) Profiling regional engagement and lifelong learning in higher education: closing the engagement gap. Bildung und Erziehung, 66(4), pp. 437-452.

Houston, M. , Lumsden, M.A. and Osborne, M. (2012) The Working in Health Access Programme (WHAP): impact on school leaving exam results and applications to Medicine.

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2010) Six ages towards a learning region — a retrospective. European Journal of Education, 45(3), pp. 368-401.

Osborne, M. (2009) Adult learning professionals in Europe. European Journal of Education, 44(2), pp. 143-144. (doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3435.2009.01388.x)

Osborne, M. and Sankey, K. (2009) Non-vocational adult education and its professionals in the United Kingdom. European Journal of Education, 44(2), pp. 271-289. (doi: 10.1111/j.1465-3435.2009.01382.x)

Maclachlan, K. and Osborne, M. (2009) Lifelong learning, development, knowledge and identity. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 39(5), pp. 575-583.

Lumsden, M.A. , Millar, K., Osborne, M. and Remedios, R. (2008) Working in Health Access Programme (WHAP): Initial results. Medical Education, 42(4), pp. 412-419. (doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03007.x)

Brennan, J. and Osborne, M. (2008) Higher education's many diversities: of students, institutions and experiences; and outcomes? Research Papers in Education, 23(2), pp. 179-190. (doi: 10.1080/02671520802048711)

Trache, M., Schuetze, H. and Osborne, M. (2008) University continuing education: third mission or first? Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 14(1),

Osborne, M. and McLaurin, I. (2006) A probability matching approach to further education/higher education transition in Scotland. Higher Education, 52(1), pp. 149-183. (doi: 10.1007/s10734-004-7279-3)

McGavock, K. and Osborne, M. (2005) Making a difference? A review of widening access initiatives to medicine in the UK. Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 3(1), pp. 3-20.

Pouget, M. and Osborne, M. (2004) Accreditation or validation of prior experiential learning: knowledge and savoirs in France—a different perspective? Studies in Continuing Education, 26(1), pp. 45-66. (doi: 10.1080/158037042000199452)

Osborne, M. , Marks, A. and Turner, E. (2004) Becoming a mature student: how adult applicants weigh the advantages and disadvantages of higher education. Higher Education, 48(3), pp. 291-315. (doi: 10.1023/B:HIGH.0000035541.40952.ab)

Osborne, M. and Oberski, I. (2004) University continuing education: the role of communications and information technology. Journal of European Industrial Training, 28(5), pp. 414-428. (doi: 10.1108/03090590410533099)

Osborne, M. , Sandberg, H. and Tuomi, O. (2004) A comparison of developments in university continuing education in Finland, the UK and Sweden. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 23(2), pp. 137-158. (doi: 10.1080/0260137042000184183)

Osborne, M. , Stephen, C. and Lumsden, M. (2003) Widening access to medical school - a prescription for changing the socio-economic base of applicants and entrants. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 5(1), pp. 10-17.

Osborne, M. (2003) Editorial. European Journal of Education, 38(1), pp. 1-3. (doi: 10.1111/1467-3435.t01-1-00124)

Osborne, M. (2003) Increasing or widening participation in higher education? - a European overview. European Journal of Education, 38(1), pp. 5-24. (doi: 10.1111/1467-3435.00125)

Osborne, M. and Edwards, R. (2003) Inquiring into lifelong learning. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 8(2), pp. 165-178.

Marks, A., Turner, E. and Osborne, M. (2003) 'Not for the likes of me': the overlapping effect of social class and gender factors in the decision made by adults not to participate in higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27(4), pp. 347-364. (doi: 10.1080/0309877032000128064)

Osborne, M. (2003) Policy and practice in widening participation: a six country comparative study of access as flexibility. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(1), pp. 43-58. (doi: 10.1080/02601370304826)

Brink, B., Munro, J. and Osborne, M. (2002) Online learning technology in an SME work-based setting. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 5(2), pp. 81-86.

Osborne, M. and Marks, A. (2002) Mature student recruitment to HE. Broadcast: Journal of the Scottish Further Education Unit, 55, pp. 50-53.

Osborne, M. and Turner, E. (2002) Private training providers in Scotland. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 54(2), pp. 267-294. (doi: 10.1080/13636820200200198)

Oberski, I., Palomar, A., Noya, C., Ruggiero, E., Herrera, F., Korhonen, K., Osborne, M. and Davies, P. (2000) Evaluating online work-based education for managers in SMEs: some initial observations. Industry and Higher Education, 14(3), pp. 200-203. (doi: 10.5367/000000000101295057)

Osborne, M. , Cloonan, M., Morgan-Klein, B. and Loots, C. (2000) Mix and match? Further and higher education links in post-devolution Scotland. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 19(3), pp. 236-252. (doi: 10.1080/026013700293287)

Cloonan, M., Hearinger, A., Matarazzo, B., Murphy, M. and Osborne, M. (1999) The use of cost-benefit analysis in funding continuing education: steering the fifth wheel? International Journal of Lifelong Education, 18(6), pp. 492-504. (doi: 10.1080/026013799293540)

Oberski, I., Osborne, M. , Noya, C., Korhonen, K. and Herrera, F. (1999) European learning in smaller companies (ELISC) (online training in SMEs). Continuing Professional Development, 2(4), pp. 122-125.

Loots, C., Osborne, M. and Seagreaves, L. (1998) Learning at work: work-based access to higher education. Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 46(1), pp. 16-30.

Dockrell, R., Hettich, P. and Osborne, M. (1997) A study of contrasting models of transferable skills in Higher Education: the UK and the US. Continuing Higher Education Review, 61, pp. 12-27.

Osborne, M. , Leopold, J. and Ferrie, A. (1997) Does access work? The relative performance of access students at a Scottish university. Higher Education, 33(2), pp. 155-176. (doi: 10.1023/A:1002927816754)

Seagraves, L., Osborne, M. and Kemp, I. (1996) Are academic outcomes of higher education provision relevant to and deliverable in the workplace setting? Higher Education, 32(2), pp. 157-176. (doi: 10.1007/BF00138394)

Gallacher, J., Osborne, M. and Postle, G. (1996) Increasing and widening access to higher education: a comparative study of policy and provision in Scotland and Australia. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 15(6), pp. 418-437. (doi: 10.1080/0260137960150603)

Leopold, J.W. and Osborne, M. (1996) The performance of former in-house access students at a Scottish university. Journal of Access Studies, 11(1), pp. 120-131.

Osborne, M. , Neal, P. and Seagraves, L. (1996) Universities and their working communities: some Scottish perspectives. Scottish Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 3(1), pp. 63-84.

Osborne, M.J. , Dockrell, R. and Reeve, F. (1996) Portfolio based access to degree studies. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 20(2), pp. 81-96.

Skinner, A. and Osborne, M. (1995) UACE(S) response to SHEFC Circular 53/94, Continuing Education. Scottish Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2(1), pp. 93-100.

Osborne, M. and Sankey, K. (1994) A climate change for environmental education and training in the professions. Scottish Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 1(1), pp. 5-20.

Cope, P. and Osborne, M. (1993) Access: instrumentalism in action? A case study of access to secondary teacher training. Journal of Access Studies, 8(2), pp. 246-254.

Johnstone, R., Cope, P. and Osborne, M. (1992) Recruiting mature adults into concurrent initial teacher-training: the Stirling Access to Teaching scheme. Scottish Journal of Adult Education, 1(1), pp. 44-51.

Gallacher, J. and Osborne, M. (1991) Different national models of access provision – a comparison between Scotland and England. Journal of Access Studies, 6(2), pp. 147-164.

Osborne, M. (1988) Access courses in mathematics, science and technology: current and planned provision. Journal of Access Studies, 3(1), pp. 64-74.

Osborne, M. (1988) Access courses in mathematics, science and technology: selected case studies. Journal of Access Studies, 3(2), pp. 48-63.

Banthorpe, D. V., Branch, S. A., Njar, V. C.O., Osborne, M. G. and Watson, D. G. (1986) Ability of plant callus cultures to synthesize and accumulate lower terpenoids. Phytochemistry, 25(3), pp. 629-636. (doi: 10.1016/0031-9422(86)88013-x)

Banthorpe, D.V. and Osborne, M.J. (1984) Terpene epoxidases and epoxide hydratases from cultures of Jasminum officinale. Phytochemistry, 23(4), pp. 905-907. (doi: 10.1016/S0031-9422(00)85057-8)

Osborne, M. (1983) The apartheid war: drug, torture, biological tests. Africa Now, pp. 41-43.

Banthorpe, D.V., Barrow, S.E. and Osborne, M.J. (1983) Seasonally-dependent oxidative metabolism of terpenes in Tanacetum vulgare. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie, 111(2), pp. 175-177.

Cook, J.A., Osborne, M.J. and Rice, D.A. (1976) Complexes of the phenylmethane nitronato and propane-2-nitronato anions with divalent metal ions. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 38(4), pp. 711-713. (doi: 10.1016/0022-1902(76)80342-9)


Benneworth, P. and Osborne, M. (2015) Understanding Universities and Entrepreneurship Education: Towards a Comprehensive Future Research Agenda. Series: CR&DALL working papers series. CR&DALL: St. Andrews Building, Glasgow. ISBN 9780852619469

Duke, C., Osborne, M. and Wilson, B. (2013) A New Imperative: Regions and Higher Education in Difficult Times. Series: Universities and lifelong learning. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719088308

Krüger, K., Parellada, M., Alvarez, M., Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2013) Core Dimensions of Social Effectiveness in University Adult Education. Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo: Barcelona.

Eckert, T., Preisinger-Kleine, R., Fartusnic, C., Houston, M. , Juceviciene, P., Dillon, B., Nemeth, B., Kleisz, T., Ceseviciute, I., Thinesse-Demel, J., Osborne, M. and Wallin, E. (2012) Quality in Developing Learning Cities and Regions: A Guide for Practitioners and Stakeholders. Ludwig Maximilian University: Munich, Germany. ISBN 9783000373336

Preece, J., Ntseane, P.G., Modise, O.M. and Osborne, M. (2012) Engagement in African Universities: Perspectives, Prospects and Challenges. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862015999

Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M. , Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (2010) Improving What Is Learned At University: An Exploration Of The Social And Organisational Diversity Of University Education. Series: Improving learning TLRP. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415480154

McNair, S., Quintero-Re, L., Clarke, A., Eldred, J., Hallam, A., Lavender, P., O'Hagan, J., Pearce, R., Thomson, A., Tuckett, A., Watters, K., Osborne, M. , Tibbett, J. and Tett, L. (2008) CONFINTEA VI : United Kingdom National Report: National Report on the Development and State of the Art Adult Learning and Education (ALE). National Institute of Adult Continuing Eduation: Leicester. ISBN 9781862013810

Morgan-Klein, B. and Osborne, M. (2007) The Concepts and Practices of Lifelong Learning. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415428606

Osborne, M. , Sankey, K. and Wilson, B. (2007) Social Capital, Lifelong Learning and the Management of Place: An International Perspective. Routledge: London. ISBN 9780415427951

Duke, C., Osborne, M. and Wilson, B. (2005) Rebalancing the Social and Economic: Learning Partnership and Place. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester. ISBN 9781862012707

Osborne, M. , Gallacher, J. and Crossan, B. (2004) Researching Widening Access to Lifelong Learning: Issues and Approaches in International Research. RoutledgeFalmer: London. ISBN 9780415322362

Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (2003) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester. ISBN 9781862011571

Osborne, M.J. , Yule, W., Dockrell, R. and Carmichael, J. (1993) Accreditation of In–house Courses and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning – Some Case Studies. Stirling University / Glasgow Caledonian University: Stirling / Glasgow.

Osborne, M. and Woodrow, M. (1989) Access to Mathematics, Science and Technology. Further Education Unit: London, UK. ISBN 9781853381188

Woodrow, M. and Osborne, M. (1988) The Access Course in Food Studies. Series: Access to higher education, case study, 6. The Royal Society: London.

Book Sections

Kearns, P., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2023) Final thoughts - Facing up to the challenges of the future: Where now for learning cities? In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 107-114. ISBN 9786267381472

Osborne, M. , Edwards, R. and Mayes, T. (2023) Relations in learning and research: the case of the Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning. In: Parry, G., Osborne, M. and Scott, P. (eds.) Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 325-348. ISBN 9783031123412 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-12342-9_13)

Parry, G., Osborne, M. and Scott, P. (2023) Introduction. In: Parry, G., Osborne, M. and Scott, P. (eds.) Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9783031123412 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-12342-9_1)

Osborne, M. (2023) Research Lifelong Learning: then and now. In: Lövgren, J., Sonne, L. and Weiss, M. N. (eds.) New Challenges – New Learning –New Possibilities. Proceedings from the 9th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning. Series: Folk high school research (2). LIT Verlag, pp. 19-36. ISBN 9783643916587

Osborne, M. (2023) Strengthening capacity to address urban, health and education challenges in fast-growing cities and neighbourhoods. In: Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education (17). Firenze University Press, pp. 175-189. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.20)

Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (2023) The legacy of Lalage Bown: an inclusive and post-colonial vision for adult learning and education. In: Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education (17). Firenze University Press, pp. 15-25. ISBN 9791221502527 (doi: 10.36253/979-12-215-0253-4.05)

Kearns, P., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2022) 終極的想法--面對未來的挑戰:學習型城市現在在哪裡?= Final thoughts - Facing up to the challenges of the future: Where now for learning cities? In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 105-112. ISBN 9786267144985

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2022) 大數據、終身學習與學習型城市:促進論述關於城市中社會不平等的學習 = Big data, lifelong learning and learning cities: Promoting city discourse on social inequalities in learning. In: Osborne, M., Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (eds.) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei, pp. 38-41. ISBN 9786267144985

Osborne, M. and Sim, S. K. (2022) Lifelong learning in Asia: a brief tour. In: Evans, K., Lee, W. O., Markowitsch, J. and Zukas, M. (eds.) Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Series: Springer international handbooks of education. Springer: Cham. ISBN 9783030679309 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9_24-1)

Osborne, M. (2022) The barriers to access in higher education and their alleviation. In: Côté, J. E. and Pickard, S. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education [2nd Edition]. Routledge: London, pp. 160-173. ISBN 9781032201474 (doi: 10.4324/9781003262497-15)

Osborne, M. , Maitra, S. and Uflewska, A. (2022) Smart learning cities promoting lifelong learning through working lives. In: Malloch, M., Cairns, L., Evans, K. and O’Connor, B. N. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Learning and Work. SAGE Publications: London, pp. 376-389. ISBN 9781526491114 (doi: 10.4135/9781529757217.N24)

Osborne, M. (2022) Localizing SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2022 UN High Level Political Forum. In: Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments: Towards the Localization of the SDGs - Local and Regional Governments Breaking through for a Just and Sustainable Recovery. Series: Local and Regional Governments’ Report to the 2022 UN High Level Political Forum. United Cities and Local Governments: Barcelona, pp. 86-98.

Panos, G. A. , Kromydas, T. , Osborne, M. and Wright, R. E. (2021) Is literacy a multi-dimensional concept? Some empirical evidence. In: Robinson, P. A., Williams, K. V. and Stojanovic, M. (eds.) Global Citizenship for Adult Education: Advancing Critical Literacies for Equity and Social Justice. Routledge: New York, pp. 105-123. ISBN 9780367505882 (doi: 10.4324/9781003050421-17)

Ahmad, S. , Baffoe, G. , Bhandari, R. , Young, G. and Osborne, M. (2021) Sustainable, healthy, learning cities and neighbourhoods. In: Venter, M. and Hattingh, S. (eds.) Learning for a Better Future: Perspectives on Higher Education, Cities, Business and Civil Society. Series: Centre for local economic development: topics in local development (vol.1). AOSIS: Cape Town, pp. 27-50. ISBN 9781928523970 (doi: 10.4102/aosis.2021.BK214.02)

Osborne, M. and Hernandez, S. (2021) Sustainable Learning Cities: Inclusion, Equity and Lifelong Learning. In: Howells, A. and Valdés-Cotera, R. (eds.) Inclusive Lifelong Learning in Cities: Policies and Practices for Vulnerable Groups. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, pp. 14-85. ISBN 9789282012451

Rowell, C. and Osborne, M. (2020) Beyond schooling: learning cities and adult education in the Global South. In: London, M. (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Lifelong Learning. Second Edition. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780197506707 (doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197506707.013.25)

Osborne, M. (2020) University-community partnerships. In: David, M. E. and Amey, M. J. (eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education. SAGE: London. ISBN 9781473942912

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2020) Blurring boundaries: exploring the potential for ‘Big Data’ to address inequalities in lifewide learning engagement. In: Slowey, M., Schuetze, H. G. and Zubrzycki, T. (eds.) Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education: Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations. Series: Lifelong learning book series (25). Springer: Cham, pp. 265-283. ISBN 9783030282264 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-28227-1_18)

Osborne, M. , Houston, M. and Lido, C. (2018) The role of big data in elucidating learning cities ancient, present and future. In: Stenger, J. R. (ed.) Learning Cities in Late Antiquity: the Local Dimension of Education. Routledge: London ; New York, pp. 24-46. ISBN 9781138299870

Tibbitt, J., Osborne, M. and Borkowska, K. (2018) Cities, businesses, innovation and learning. In: Di Rienzo, P. and Azara, L. (eds.) Learning city e diversità culturale. Rubbettino Editore, pp. 33-54. ISBN 9788849854589

Osborne, M. (2017) Foreword. In: Preece, J., University Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning: The Porous University. Palgrave Macmillan: London, vii-x. ISBN 9783319561622 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-56163-9)

Osborne, M. (2016) Access to higher education. In: Côté, J. E. and Furlong, A. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Sociology of Higher Education. Routledge, pp. 119-130. ISBN 9781138778122

Krüger, K., Duch, N., Parellada, M., Osborne, M. , Mariani, M. and Jiménez, L. (2015) Social efficiency of tertiary lifelong: first insights from a European research project. In: Yang, J., Schneller, C. and Roche, S. (eds.) The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning. Series: UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies (3). UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, pp. 60-87. ISBN 9789282011942

Osborne, M. , Rimmer, R. and Houston, M. (2015) Adult access to higher education: an international overview. In: Yang, J., Schneller, C. and Roche, S. (eds.) The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Lifelong Learning. Series: UIL Series on Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies (3). UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning: Hamburg, pp. 17-39. ISBN 9789282011942

Osborne, M. and Lido, C. (2015) Lifelong learning and big data. In: Gartenschlaeger, U. and Hirsch, E. (eds.) Adult Education in an Interconnected World: Cooperation in Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Series: International perspectives in adult education (71). DVV International: Bonn, pp. 116-125. ISBN 9783942755238

Benneworth, P. and Osborne, M. (2014) Knowledge, engagement and higher education in Europe. In: Escrigas, C., Granados, J., Hall, B.L. and Tandon, R. (eds.) Higher Education in the World 5 Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change. Series: GUNI Series on the Social Commitment of Universities. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 204-217. ISBN 9780230535565

Osborne, M. , Duke, C., Kitigawa, F. and Cheng, M. (2014) The internationalisation strategy of the University of Nottingham (UK) and the establishment of campuses in Asia. In: Study on Innovation in Higher Education: Annexes. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, pp. 2-22. ISBN 9789279350825

Osborne, M. and Mayes, T. (2014) EU–originated MOOCs, with focus on multi- and single-institution platforms. In: Study on Innovation in Higher Education: Annexes. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg, pp. 149-201. ISBN 9789279350825

Hamilton, R., Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2014) Profiling regional engagement in higher education: challenges and opportunities. In: Hinzen, H. and Knoll, J.H. (eds.) Lifelong Learning and Governance: From Programming to Action-Selected Experiences from Asia and Europe. DVV International: Vientiane, pp. 107-138.

Jordan, L., Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2014) The rise and fall and rise again of learning cities. In: Zarifis, G.K. and Gravani, M. (eds.) Challenging the ‘European Area of Lifelong Learning’: A Critical Response. Series: Lifelong learning book series (19). Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 273-284. ISBN 9789400772984 (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-7299-1_24)

Osborne, M. (2013) Access and retention. In: Bryce, T.G.K., Humes, W.M., Gillies, D. and Kennedy, A. (eds.) Scottish Education (4th Edition). Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK, pp. 316-326. ISBN 9780748645824

Osborne, M. (2013) Challenges for adult access in Europe. In: Klinger, C. and Murray, N. (eds.) Aspirations, Access and Attainment: International Perspectives on Widening Participation. Routledge: London, UK, pp. 82-96. ISBN 9780415828789

Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2012) United Kingdom – Universities and lifelong learning in the UK – adults as losers, but who are the winners? In: Slowey, M. and Schuetze, H. (eds.) Global Perspectives on HE and Lifelong Learners. Routledge. ISBN 9780415675079

Osborne, M. (2011) Jean Monnet KA1: 'Excellence centres and chairs'. In: Interim Evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-2013). UNSPECIFIED, pp. 100-111.

Osborne, M. and Longworth, N. (2010) Introduction. In: Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policies, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862014480

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2010) Introduction: Advances in learning city/region development. In: Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policy, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester, 1 - 28. ISBN 9781862014480

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (2010) PENR3L and EUROlocal - facilitators of European regional economic, social and environmental development. In: Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (eds.) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policy, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester, 229 - 251. ISBN 978 1 86201 448 0

Brennan, J., Jary, D., Richardson, J. and Osborne, M. (2009) The social and organisational mediation of university learning. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 17-30. ISBN 9780415480154

Brennan, J., Osborne, M. and Jary, D. (2009) The universities: cultures, organisations and reputations. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 33-54. ISBN 9780415480154

Jary, D. and Osborne, M. (2009) Implications for institutions, academic staff and students. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 171-192. ISBN 9780415480154

Osborne, M. , Brennan, J. and Edmunds, R. (2009) Diversities and commonalities in the student experience. In: Brennan, J., Edmunds, R., Houston, M., Jary, D., Lebeau, Y., Osborne, M. and Richardson, J. (eds.) Improving What is Learned at University: An Exploration of the Social and Organisational Diversity of University Education. Routledge: London, pp. 157-168. ISBN 9780415480154

Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (2009) La formazione continua universitaria in Europa: sistemi a confronto. In: Piazza, R. (ed.) Lifelong learning ed educazione democratica in Europa. Guerini Scientifica: Milan, pp. 117-146. ISBN 9788881072859

Osborne, M. (2008) Widening participation to Higher Education in the UK. In: Hanft, A. and Knust, M. (eds.) Weiterbildung im Elfenbeinturm!? Waxmann: Muenster, pp. 39-42.

Field, J. and Osborne, M. (2006) Researching social capital in Europe: towards a toolkit for measurement. In: Duke, C., Doyle, L. and Wilson, B. (eds.) Making Knowledge Work: Sustaining Learning Communities and Regions. NIACE: Leicester, pp. 54-66. ISBN 9781862012462

Sankey, K. and Osborne, M. (2006) Lifeling learning reaching regions where other learning doesn't reach. In: Edwards, R., Gallacher, J. and Whittaker, S. (eds.) Learning Outside the Academy: International Research Perspectives on Lifelong Learning. Routledge: London, pp. 202-223. ISBN 9780415365857

Osborne, M. (2005) Constructive alignment of learning outcomes to assessment methods: an overview. In: Enhancing Practice: ­Reflections on Assessment Vol. 1. Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education: Mansfield, UK, pp. 114-147. ISBN 1844822656

Osborne, M. (2005) Introduction. In: Gallacher, J. and Osborne, M. (eds.) A Contested Landscape: International Perspectives on Diversity in Mass Higher Education. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781862012332

Osborne, M. and Gallacher, J. (2005) The role of short-cycle higher education in the changing landscape of higher education: issues for consideration. In: Gallacher, J. and Osborne, M. (eds.) A Contested Landscape: International Perspectives on Diversity in Mass Higher Education. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 195-211. ISBN 9781862012332

Crossan, B. and Osborne, M. (2004) Questions of access and participation: some contributions from qualitative research. In: Osborne, M., Gallagher, J. and Crossan, B. (eds.) Researching Widening Access to Higher and Further Education: Issues and Approaches in International Research. RoutledgeFalmer: London, pp. 141-149. ISBN 9780415322362

Osborne, M. (2004) Adults in British Higher Education. In: Mark, R., Pouget, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Adults in Higher Education : Learning From Experience in the New Europe. Peter Lang: Oxford. ISBN 9783039101825

Osborne, M. (2004) Work process knowledge and lifelong learning policies. In: Fischer, M., Boreham, N. and Nyhan, B. (eds.) European Perspectives on Learning at Work : The Acquisition of Work Process Knowledge. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg, pp. 366-386. ISBN 9789289602730

Osborne, M. and Gallacher, J. (2004) An international perspective on researching widening access. In: Osborne, M., Gallacher, J. and Crossan, B. (eds.) Researching Widening Access to Higher and Further Education: Issues and Approaches in International Research. RoutledgeFalmer: London, pp. 3-16. ISBN 9780415322362

Osborne, M. (2003) University continuing education - international understandings. In: Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 15-30. ISBN 9781862011571

Osborne, M. (2003) University continuing education in the United Kingdom. In: Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 463-485. ISBN 9781862011571

Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (2003) An overview of university continuing education in Europe. In: Osborne, M. and Thomas, E. (eds.) Lifelong Learning in a Changing Continent: Continuing Education in the Universities of Europe. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 486-528. ISBN 9781862011571

Osborne, M. (2002) Never mind the width, feel the quality. In: Roebuck, D. (ed.) Envisioning Practice - Implementing Change. Australian Academic Press: Brisbane, Qld., Australia. ISBN 9781875378449

Osborne, M. (2002) What works? In: Teacher, Facilitator, Mentor or Manager? New Roles and Competencies for Academics in a Lifelong Learning University. Proceedings of the 23rd EUCEN Conference, Pecs. Hungary, 15-18 May 2002. EUCEN Institute of Adult Education, University of Pécs,, pp. 53-64. ISBN 9789636418854

Osborne, M. , Cloonan, M. and Oberski, I. (2002) European partnerships: exhilaration or exasperation? In: Field, J. (ed.) Promoting European Dimensions in Lifelong Learning. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: Leicester, pp. 54-65. ISBN 9781862010482

Crompton, P., Kosinsky, V., Osborne, M. and Timms, D. (2001) ODELUCE - Open and Distance Education & Learning in University Continuing Education. In: Rocha-Trindade, A. R. (ed.) New Learning: Invited Articles of the Conference "ODL Networking for Quality Learning". Universidade Aberta: Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 87-103. ISBN 9726743257

Osborne, M. and Davies, P. (2001) Mature student recruitment to higher education - a comparison of Scotland in relation to the UK as a whole. In: Researching Widening Access. International Perspectives Conference Proceedings, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, 29 June-1 July 2001. Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning, pp. 331-339. ISBN 9781903661147

Osborne, M.J. and Sankey, K. (1991) Towards environmental competence: phase 3, professional bodies. In: Osborne, M.J. and Sankey, K. (eds.) Towards Environmental Competence in Scotland. World Wide Fund for Nature (UK) / Scottish Enterprise / Scottish Environmental Education Council / University of Stirling: Godalming, UK. ISBN 0905574117

Osborne, M. (1983) Kuba: Chemischer Kreig gegen eine Revolution. In: Dhunjibhoy, R. and Hübener, K.-L. (eds.) Unterwanderung: Die Destabilisierungsstrategie der USA von Nicaragua bis Angola. Peter Hammer Verlag: Wuppertal, Germany. ISBN 9783872942234

Edited Books

Osborne, M. , Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (Eds.) (2023) Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei. ISBN 9786267381472

Scott, P., Osborne, M. and Parry, G. (Eds.) (2023) Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All. Series: Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning. Palgrave Macmillan: Cham. ISBN 9783031123412

Slowey, M., Hinzen, H., Omolewa, M. and Osborne, M. (Eds.) (2023) Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives. Series: Studies on adult learning and education; 17. Firenze University Press. ISBN 9791221502527

Osborne, M. , Tibbitt, J. and Kearns, P. (Eds.) (2022) 學習與城市未來:應對政策挑戰 PASCAL 國際觀察中心文選輯 = Learning and City Futures: Addressing the Policy Challenges. Selected Writings from PASCAL International Observatory. Taipei City Government: Taipei. ISBN 9786267144985

Carlot, C., Filloque, J.-M., Osborne, M. and Welsh, P. (Eds.) (2015) The Role of Higher Education in Regional and Community Development and in the Time of Economic Crisis. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862018907

Longworth, N. and Osborne, M. (Eds.) (2010) Perspectives on Learning Cities and Regions: Policies, Practice and Participation. NIACE: Leicester. ISBN 9781862014480

Osborne, M. , Houston, M. and Toman, N. (Eds.) (2007) The Pedagogy of Lifelong Learning: Understanding Effective Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts. Routledge: London, UK. ISBN 9780415424943

Osborne, M.J. and Sankey, K. (Eds.) (1991) Towards Environmental Competence in Scotland. World Wide Fund for Nature (UK) / Scottish Enterprise / Scottish Environmental Education Council / University of Stirling: Godalming, UK. ISBN 0905574117

Research Reports or Papers

Tubadji, A., Lido, C. , Osborne, M. , Conroy, J. , Baur, P., Zipsane, H., McColl, M., Mark, R. and Nemeth, B. (2025) Aesthetic Education: What Are Learning Cities Learning in Order to Bring Peace & Human Flourishing? PASCAL Briefing Paper 30. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Nesterova, Y. and Bhandari, R. (2024) Learning for global health in cities - Community resilience and the strengthening of learning systems. CR&DALL Working Paper WP1101/2024. [Research Reports or Papers]

de los Reyos, M., Roy, S., Osborne, M. and Nesterova, Y. (2024) Local challenges, global imperatives: Cities at the forefront to achieve Education 2030. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2024) Adult Education – our part in its (partial) downfall and renewal. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2024) Impact – Playing the Long Game. [Research Reports or Papers]

Roy, S. and Osborne, M. (2024) Reimagining Inclusive Economic Futures, PASCAL International Observatory Briefing Paper 28. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2022) National LLL Policies and Learning Cities. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Piazza, R. and Reyes, Z. (2022) Universities’ Community Engagement in Europe and Southeast Asia: Supporting Immigrants and Refugees. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Hernandez Mendoza, S. (2020) The challenge of Health and Well-being in learning cities, Summary of Webinar 6 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2020) The challenge of Education for Sustainable Development, Summary of Webinar 4 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2020) Community-Based Participatory Research & Learning Cities, Summary of Webinar 5 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Schuller, T., Biao, I. and Osborne, M. (2020) Rethinking Lifelong Learning within Current Contexts of Time and Space. EcCoWell2 Briefing Paper 7. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Hernandez Mendoza, S., Torres Gomez, J. and Wheeler, L. (2020) The challenge of inclusion in learning cities, building on the work of the Fourth International Conference on Learning Cities. Summary of Webinar 1 of UNESCO/PASCAL Observatory Webinar Series 'Learning Cities’ COVID-19 recovery: from research to practice - The challenge of inclusion'. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2020) The University of the Third Age in the UK. In Duke, C. & Hinzen, H. (Eds.) (2020) Voluntary-based Study Circles and Related Municipal Policies: International Best Practices. [Research Reports or Papers]

Azizi, N. et al. (2019) The Role of Higher Education for Displaced and Marginalized Peoples – The SUEUAA Project. [Research Reports or Papers]

Lido, C. , Reid, K. and Osborne, M. (2018) Big Data, Lifelong Learning and Learning Cities: Promoting City-Discourse on Social Inequalities in Learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Houston, M. and Borkowska, K. (2017) Strengthening the Regional Engagement Role of Universities in Africa and Asia (SRERUAA). [Research Reports or Papers]

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2015) External stakeholders, collaborations and partnerships in WBL with Higher Education Institutions in the UK: context and cases. [Research Reports or Papers]

Krüger, K. et al. (2014) Social Effectiveness of Tertiary Education for Adults in Mid-life. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Tibbitt, J. (2014) Adult education and place: a vital link for learning cities. PASCAL Briefing Paper 5. [Research Reports or Papers]

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2013) Tertiary Higher Education for People in Mid-life (THEMP) National Report of Case Studies UK: Scotland. THEMP Discussion Paper 7.6. [Research Reports or Papers]

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2013) Teaching and Learning in University Lifelong Learning for People in Mid-Life: THEMP Discussion Paper 6.1. [Research Reports or Papers]

Kearns, P., Osborne, M. and Reghenzani-Kearns, D. (2013) Building Inclusive and Sustainable Learning Cities - PASCAL International Exchanges - A Review. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2012) Mapping the UK Landscape of Tertiary Lifelong Learning. THEMP Discussion Paper 4.8. [Research Reports or Papers]

Houston, M. , McCune, V. and Osborne, M. (2011) Flexible learning and its contribution to widening participation: a synthesis of research. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2011) Country report on the action plan on adult learning: UK. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2011) Background Report: Scotland UK. [Research Reports or Papers]

Buiskool, B.J., Broek, S.D., van Lakerveld, J.A., Zarifis, G.K. and Osborne, M. (2010) Key competences for adult learning professionals: contribution to the development of a reference framework of key competences for adult learning professionals. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brennan, J., Osborne, M. and Shah, T. (2009) What is learned at university? The social and organisational mediation of university learning (The SOMUL project): Key findings. [Research Reports or Papers]

Doyle, L. , Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2007) Grading: A Review of National and International Issues. [Research Reports or Papers]

Wallace, C., McKie, J., Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2007) Assessment: a review in practice. [Research Reports or Papers]

Allen, L., Osborne, M. and Storan, J. (2006) Annex C: Literature Review. Sub-theme 1: Local and Regional Partnerships to Extend Participation in Higher Education to Socially Disadvantaged Groups. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Young, D. (2006) Flexibility and Widening Participation. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2006) Learning Principles Toolkit: Learning Centres in the Learning Regions. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2006) Learning Principles Toolkit: Learning Styles (Theory). [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. (2006) Learning Principles Toolkit: Managing Transition. [Research Reports or Papers]

Brennan, J. and Osborne, M. (2005) The organisational mediation of university learning. [Research Reports or Papers]

Thomas, L., May, H., Harrop, H., Houston, M. , Knox, H., Lee, M.F., Osborne, M. , Pudner, H. and Trotman, C. (2005) From the Margins to the Mainstream: Embedding Widening Participation in Higher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Murphy, M. , Morgan-Klein, B., Osborne, M. and Gallacher, J. (2004) Widening Participation in Higher Education: Report to the Scottish Executive. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Bell, D. (2004) Research on Approaches to Public Funding and Development of Tertiary Education within Selected OECD Nations. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. and Bell, D. (2004) A Review of the Financing of Post-Compulsory Education in Selected OECD Countries. [Research Reports or Papers]

Davies, P., Osborne, M. and Williams, J. (2002) For Me or Not for Me? - That is the Question: A Study of Mature Students' Decision Making. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Brink, B., Cloonan, M., Davies, P., Marks, A., Turner, E. and Williams, J. (2002) Mature Student Recruitment to HE (Scotland). [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Gallacher, J. and Murphy, M. (2002) A research review of FE/HE links - a report to the Scottish Executive Enterprise and Lifelong Learning Department. [Research Reports or Papers]

Davies, P., Osborne, M. and Williams, J. (2001) Mature Student Recruitment to HE. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Brink, B., Cloonan, M., Davies, P., Marks, A., Turner, E. and Williams, J. (2001) For Me or Not for Me in Scotland? A Report of Mature Student Participation in Higher Education. [Research Reports or Papers]

Young, J., Gallacher, J., Leahy, J., Osborne, M. and Raab, G. (2000) Review of the Supply of and Demand for Further Education in Scotland. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M. , Gallacher, J. and Cloonan, M. (1999) Researching Lifelong Learning: An Introductory Briefing. [Research Reports or Papers]

Seagraves, L., Osborne, M. , Neal, P., Dockrell, R., Hartshorn, C. and Boyd, A. (1996) Learning in Smaller Companies: Final Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Osborne, M.J. , Seagraves, L., Dockrell, R. and Neal, P. (1995) LISC Interim Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Seagraves, L., Osborne, M. , Neal, P., Dockrell, R., Hartshorn, C. and Boyd, A. (1995) Learning in Smaller Companies: Interim Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Osborne, M. (2024) Partnership and Innovation – The Case of the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy, and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods. In: Precedings of Jean Monnet Network on Social and Scientific Innovation to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals Conference, Melbourne: RMIT, 26-27 June 2024, pp. 34-37.

Osborne, M. and Lido, C. (2016) Big Data Techniques to Improve Learning Access and Citizen Engagement for Adults in Urban Environments. In: International Conference of Taipei Learning City, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 2016,

Cheng, M., Kitagawa, F., Osborne, M. and Duke, C. (2015) Internationalisation as University Business Model Innovation: A Case Study of the University of Nottingham. In: CHER 2015: 28th Annual conference of Consortium of Higher Education Researcher, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 Sept 2015,

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2011) Effective partnerships in the development of learning city/regions at both macro and micro levels: a case study approach. In: FACE 2011 Annual Conference: Lifelong Learning and Community Development, Glasgow, UK, 29 Jun - 01 Jul 2011,

Osborne, M. (2011) Regional Networks in a Transnational Context. [Keynote]. In: International Conference on Professional Network Management, Potsdam, Germany, Nov 24 2011 - Nov 25 2011,

Osborne, M. and Houston, M. (2010) Cultural and Creative Industries in the PURE Project. In: 4th Annual Conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture, Pécs, Hungary, 14-15th October 2010,

Osborne, M. (2009) Universities and their regional engagement. In: FACE Conference 2009, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 1-3 July 2009,

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2006) What is learned at university: the social and organisational mediation of university learning. In: TLRP Annual Conference, Glasgow, UK, Nov 2006,

Wilson, B., Osborne, M. and Doyle, L. (2005) Building Partnerships to Promote Economic and Social Wellbeing and Learning. In: International Conference on Engaging Communities, Brisbane, Australia, 14-17 Aug 2005,

Houston, M. and Osborne, M. (2005) Applications and acceptances. In: From the Margins to the Mainstream Conference: Universities UK, Standing Conference of Principals, London, UK, Mar 2005,

Osborne, M. and Brennan, J. (2005) The social and organisational mediation of university teaching: a focus on organisational mediation. In: 3rd International CRLL Conference, Stirling, UK, 24-26 June 2005,

Osborne, M. (2003) The university and the lifelong learning region. In: 26th EUCEN Symposium, Aveiro, Portugal, 6-9 Nov 2003,

Osborne, M. (2002) Research and lifelong learning. In: 2nd International Lifelong Learning Conference, Queensland, Australia, 16-19 June 2002,

Osborne, M. (2001) A Research Agenda for Lifelong Learning. In: The Final Conference of the Council of Europe - Lifelong Learning for Equity and Social Cohesion Programme, Paris, France, 15-17 November 2001,

Osborne, M. (1997) Participants in a Work-based Learning Programme: Small and Medium Enterprises and their Employees. In: Good Thinking: Good Practice – Research Perspectives on Learning and Work, 5th Annual International Conference on Post- compulsory Education and Training, Griffith University. Brisbane, Queensland, 26-28 November 1997,

Seagraves, L. and Osborne, M. (1995) Learner motivation in part-time higher education including work-based learning. In: Towards a Learning Workforce Conference, Lancaster, UK, 12-13 September 1995,


Sundstedt, A., Young, G. and Osborne, M. (2022) SHLC (Animation). [Audio]

Osborne, M. , Nesterova, Y. and Chakravarthi, D. (2022) Discussing healthy learning cities: an interview with Prof Mike Osborne and Dr Yulia Nesterova, University of Glasgow. [Audio]

This list was generated on Sun Mar 23 20:29:46 2025 GMT.





Professor Osborne's most substantial current research commitments have been:

  • as a co-I within the Urban Big Data Centre, an ESRC-funded research centre which helps address the social, economic and environmental challenges facing cities. Within this project he is undertaking an Urban Research Project on Educational Disadvantage and Place in collaboration with Muir Houston, Keith Kintrea,  Catherine Lido and Phil Mason, and has completed a further project contributing from Education to a contextual multi-media database based on a household survey of 2000 people in Glasgow, GPS tracking, lifelogging and analysis of social media.

He has also been the PI of the project, Strengthening Urban Engagement of Universities in Asia and Africa (SUEUAA), funded by the British Academy under its Cities and Infrastructure programme, part of the Global Challenges Research Fund, working with partners in Iran, Iraq, the Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, and as a co-I within the ESRC-funded Global Challenges Research Fund centre co-ordinated from the University of Glasgow, the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy, Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods, working with partners in Bangladesh, China, India, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, where he leads the centre's capacity strengthening work.

He was also the PI of a project funded within an ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, Widening Regional Engagement of HE and TVET, working with partners in Hong Kong, Italy and China.

In recent years he has also completed research for the European Commission funded projects on communities of practice in lifelong learning programmes (DISCUSS) and on labour efficiency in tertiary adult education at universities (LETAE), and and a Scottish Funding Council supported project, Strengthening the Regional Engagement Role of Universities in Africa and Asia, working with collaborators in Iran, Iraq, the Philippines, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.   

His previously funded research has included: Scottish Higher Education Funding Council/National Health Service (Scotland) funded projects concerned with selection of students in medicine and Veterinary Science (WHAP and WHAN); EC-funded projects in the area of lifelong learning concerned with the development of audit tools for stakeholders within Learning Regions (Indicators project under the Network of Learning Regions (R3L) programme) and projects that develop related learning audits (Lilara), a sustainable network of learning regions/cities (PENR3L), the quality of Grundtwig networks (GINCO), a KA4 project developing a reservoir of best practice in Learning Regions (Eurolocal), a Grundtwig project on Quality in Learning Regions (R3L+), a KA1 project concerned with tertiary lifelong learning in mid-life (THEMP) and a DG EAC funded project on Innovation in Higher Education; and a major ESRC TLRP project on the Social and Organisation Mediation of University Learning (SOMUL). He has also been a member of the team managing the EC funded Tempus Project on Lifelong Learning in Palestine. He completed the co-ordination of a study of universities and regional engagement (PURE) in 19 regions around the world from 2008-2014, and has been co-convenor of a collaborative group within the Universitas 21 group on Research Universities and their Regions (RUR).

He has also completed research on the decline in adult participation in HE for the Department for Education and Skills in the UK, and co-ordinated a similar project for the Scottish Executive and conducted studies of the effectiveness of widening access policy and practice for the Scottish Executive and for Universities UK, and studies on the Supply and Demand for FE in Scotland, and an international review of short cycle HE.


Professor Osborne supervises the following doctoral students:

  • Brittney Nathaniel: Non-Traditional Entry Routes to Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Inclusion in Access for Adults in New York State and Scotland
  • Nathaniel, Brittney
    Non-Traditional Entry Routes to Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Inclusion in Access for Adults in New York State and Scotland

His recent doctoral students have been:

  • Peter Barton: My early attempts at CPR: Reviewing how novice clinical practitioners make sense of their first experiences of undertaking Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Preeti Dagar: Creating Sustainable Livelihood and Inclusive Learning Opportunities through Skills Development in an Urban Neighbourhood
  • Rodolfo Farlan: Intensive care medicine’s resident-as-teacher workshops' impact on resident’s perception of their teaching skills
  • Archie Fulton: Participating in a drug and alcohol education at university as a trigger for transformative change
  • Gail Goulet: The Transformative Learning of Assessment through Service Learning in HE
  • Jose Sergio Hernandez Mendoza: The Wider Effects of Adult Learning on Subjective Well-being and Social Capital 
  • Keneilwe Molosi: The Impact of the Remote Area Development Programme (RADP) on the Socio-Economic Development of the San: the case of the Gantsi and Maun Areas.
  • Samir Halliru: Examining the Extent to which Skills Acquisition Training Develops Young Adults Lifelong Learning Attributes in Nigeria
  • Chris McAllister: Learning to be lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered in Scotland: the power of older adults’ voices for reinterpreting adult and Lifelong Learning theory, research and practice
  • Colin Mack: Residential Segregation and Educational Outcomes
  • Grace Poulter:  Does constructed learner identity reflect the reality of older adult learners currently engaged in higher degree programmes?
  • Mpoki Mwaikokesya: Undergraduate students’ Development of Lifelong Learning Attributes in Tanzania
  • Michael Sofianos: Entrepreneurial Education – Evaluation of current teaching methods, research on the attributes that motivate individuals to became entrepreneurs and investigation of the connections between these. 
  • Douglas Sutherland: The transition of adult students to higher education: communities, practice and participation


Following his PhD, Professor Osborne embarked on a career in adult education, first in the Further Education section in London, working for the Inner London Education Authority at South Thames, City and East London and South London Colleges from 1979 to 1989. At City and East London College, he taught Mathematics to returning adult students, including within some of the UK’s very first Access to HE courses targeted at Afro-Caribbean and Bangladeshi students. Later at South London College, he developed some of the UK’s first Access programmes in Sciences (specifically Food Studies, and Health, Biology and the Environment (HBE)). The HBE course was the first Access programme to be accredited by the London Open College. He was also part of the team that developed the Postgraduate Diploma in Access Studies at South Bank Polytechnic, and also whilst there was involved in researching Access to Maths, Sciences and Technology programmes for the Department of Education and Science.

In 1989 he became a Lecturer in Educational Policy at the University of Stirling, rising to Senior Lecturer in 1995 and Professor of Lifelong Education in 1997. At Stirling he developed a range of Access programmes both delivered internally and in collaboration with a range of FE colleges in central Scotland. At its peak in the mid-1990s these programmes contributed some 13% of entry to the university. He was also involved in developing a comprehensive part-time degree programmes in collaboration with many departments of the university, which was the largest of its kind in Scotland outside the Open University. The work included the development of a degree pathway in Adult Education, the only undergraduate programme in this subject in the UK in the 1990s.

He also, with the late Professor Jim Gallacher of Glasgow Caledonian University, developed the world’s first online Masters in Lifelong Learning, and with the late Professor Glen Postle of the University of Southern Queensland, the world’s first Masters in Technology Enhanced Learning.  Given his background in the 1980s as a FE lecturer, he continued his interest in this area through the development of programmes of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees that incorporated the Teacher Qualification (Further Education) (TQFE), the professional qualification for FE lecturers in Scotland, for which he was the inaugural Programme Director. The TQFE programme at Stirling developed as both a face-to-face and distance learning programme for lecturers in the Highlands and Islands in the early noughties, soon began the preferred option for the sector with some 50% of staff opting for this qualification over that of other providers.

At the University of Glasgow, he has taught on the following programmes:

BA in Community Development - Lifelong Learning and Social Change

MSc in Teaching Adults and MSc in Adult and Continuing Education - International Issues in Adult Education,  Curriculum Development in Adult Education. He has also been course director of these programmes and has convened their Research dissertation components.

He has been teaching since 2016/17 within the International Masters in Adult Education for Social Change funded through the Erasmus Mundus programme.

Professional activities & recognition

Grant committees & research advisory boards

  • 2015 - 2015: University of Gothenburg, Advisor to Research Centre Grants Committee

Editorial boards

  • 1995 - ongoing: Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
  • 2010 - ongoing: Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education
  • 2015 - ongoing: Revista Educacion a Distancia
  • 2019 - ongoing: Journal of Developmental Education

Professional & learned societies

  • 2012 - ongoing: Member of Advisory Council and Research Network, Asia-Europe Meeting Lifelong Learning Hub
  • 2008 - 2014: Member of Executive, British Association of International and Comparative Education
  • 2008 - ongoing: Member of Executive, Forum for the Advancement of Continuing Education

Selected international presentations

  • 2012: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning’s 60th anniversary seminar (Hamburg)
  • 2013: Global HR Forum (Seoul)
  • 2013: UNESCO Ist Global Network of Learning Cities conference (Beijing)
  • 2014: Series of Keynotes for Australian Learning Communities Network (Frankston, Canberra and Townsville)
  • 2014: Australian College of Educators (Brisbane)
  • 2014: Finnish Association of Local Government Studies (Tampere)
  • 2015: ASEM Forum on Lifelong Learning (Bali)
  • 2015: Bulgarian Society for Comparative Education (Sofia)
  • 2015: ASEM Forum on Lifelong Learning (Melbourne)
  • 2017: Helsinki/Tampere Smart City Launch (Helsinki)
  • 2017: Italian Learning Cities Network (Rome)
  • 2017: 14th PASCAL conference (Pretoria)
  • 2017: National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (Gold Coast)
  • 2018: Turkish Association of Continuing Education (Izmir)
  • 2018: ASEM Forum on Lifelong Learning (Wurtzberg)
  • 2018: Pecs Learning Cities conference (Pecs)
  • 2018: Non-Formal Education - Meeting the Challenges of the 20th century (Sofia)
  • 2019: Learning Cities Forum (Taipei)
  • 2019: International Conference on Research in Education (Seoul)


  • Member of Advisory Board of Scottish Open University, 2008-2014 Expert Adviser to the UNESCO Global Learning Cities Network, 2013-2014

Research datasets

Jump to: 2023
Number of items: 1.


Wang, Y. P. , Kintrea, K. , Osborne, M. , Schweisfurth, M. , Mitchell, R. , Kamete, A. , Yao, J. , Stewart, A. , Ahmad, S. , Young, G., Nesterova, Y. , Everatt, D., Lynge, H., Abrahams, C., Turok, I., Scheba, A., Visagie, J., Manirakiza, V., Malonza, J., Nduwayezu, G., Mugabe, L., Nsabimana, A., Rutayisire, P., Nzayirambaho, M., Njunwa, J.K., Levira, F., Moshi, I., Msuya, I., Kundu, D., Sharma, P., Debnath, T., Roy, S., Sowgat, T., Islam, T., Shakil, I., Reyes, M., Gamboa, M., Rivera, R., Caluag, A., Manlapas, I., Racoma, D., Sun, T., Zhai, L., Li, C., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, L., Sun, X., Bhandari, R., Baffoe, G., Lawson, V. and Long, J. (2023) GCRF Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods: Household Survey and Neighbourhood Focus Group Data from Seven Asian and African Countries, 2021-2022. [Data Collection]

This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 01:56:38 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Consulting and advice

He has advised the EC in relation to the development of the new integrated lifelong learning programme, and the German government in the development of higher continuing education.   For the EC he has been a consultant in the following in recent years:

  • Evaluation of the Jean Monnet Programme within the Interim Evaluation of the whole of the Lifelong Learning Programne
  • International evaluation of MOOC models (FutureLearn, OpenHPI and Leuphana) and of international campuses (Nottingham’s Ningbo and Malaysia campuses) as part of an overview of Innovation in HE. 
  • Development of a pan-European framework for the competences of adult educators.

For UNESCO he has been a member of its Expert Group on the development of the International Platform for Learning Cities, which was launched in collaboration with the Chinese Ministry of Education in October 2013 in Beijing. The expert group advised on the Key Features of Learning Cities, which has been developed as an international benchmark. He was a keynote speaker at the event in Beijing, and at a number of subsequent events, including as a presenter at the 5th Global Network of Learning Cities conference in the Republic of Korea in 2018, and as co-organiser of a series of webinars in 2020 with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) on the role of Learning Cities during the COVID-19 pandemic. He was advisor to a major project run by UIL and the International Association of Universities during 2020-2022 concerning the contribution of universities to lifelong learning. He is also co-Chair of the International Expert Group of the Asia-Pacific Alliance of Learning Cities.

He has carried out a number of consultancies for agencies including the Council of Europe, Universities UK, the Higher Education AcademyLearndirect Scotland, UNESCO and United Cities and Local Governments . He has been an adviser and evaluator of programmes at a number of universities around the world, and a keynote speaker at many international events. Recently this has included the following:

  • He was the only invited speaker from the UK at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning’s 60th anniversary celebrations in Hamburg in 2012.
  • During 2012 and 2013 he was an invited speaker at a number of major events in Asia. This has included at the Global HR Forum in Seoul in a session sponsored by the Korean National Institute for Lifelong Learning, the UNESCO International Conference on Learning Cities in Beijing and two preliminary international consultative meetings prior to its launch in Hangzhou (China) and Jeju (Korea), and the Lifelong Learning Planet Forum In Gyeonggi Do (Korea).
  • He was a keynote at the City of Cork Learning Cities Festival in September 2013 alongside Irish Minister, Sean Sherlock.
  • He was a plenary speaker at the Global Universities Network for Innovation, World Congress in Barcelona in June 2013
  • He made a  series of presentations at Consultations on Community Engagement and Social Responsibility in Higher Education in West Bengal, Delhi & Punjab in India at the invitation of the British Council, Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) and the UNESCO Chair on Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education in March 2014.
  • In April and May 2014 he made a number presentations in Australia as keynote speaker at Learning City events in Frankston, Canberra and Townsville at the invitation of the Australian Learning Communities Network.
  • He was a keynote speaker at the biennial ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub conference in Bali in March 2015 and at the annual conference of the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society conference in Sofia in June 2015.
  • He was a speaker in March 2016 at Asia-Europe Meeting Rectors conference in Prague on the student friendly curriculum.
  • He organised the 13th PASCAL International conference in Glasgow in June 2016 on Learning Cities 2040.
  • He was a keynote speaker at an ASEM Lifelong Learning Hub conference in Boracay, Philippines in May 2017 on lifelong learning and the sustainable development goals.
  • He was a keynote speaker at the National Association for Enabling Educators of Australia conference in November 2017 on topic of lifelong learning education policies.
  • He was a keynote speaker at the conference, E-Technologies for Lifelong Learning in Izmir, Turkey in January 2018
  • He was a keynote speaker at the conference at the 5th International Conference on Adult Education in Chisinau, Moldova in April 2018
  • He was a keynote speaker at the conference at the 15th PASCAL conference in Suwon, Republic of Korea, in September 2018
  • He was a keynote speaker at the conference, Learning Cities and Culture Working Together, in Pecs, Hungary in September 2018
  • He was a keynote speaker at the conference, Non-formal Education - Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century, in November 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria
  • He was a keynote speaker at the International Research in Education conference at Seoul National University, Republic of Korea in October 2019.
  • He was a keynote speaker at the Virtual Urban Thinkers Campus - Imagining Gurugram as a Learning City, in Gurugram, India in October 2020
  • He presented virtually the Lectio Magistralis on the occasion of the Celebration of the International Day of Education 2021 on January 25 2021 by the Learning City of Lucca.
  • He was the keynote speaker, virtually, at the Turkish Association of Curriculum and Instruction conference on the topic of Learning Cities in a Global Context, 25 March 2021
  • He was a speaker, virtually, at the University of Derby's Online Global Challenges Week on the topic of Learning Cities: Moving the lifelong learning conversation forward together with Rwandan Learning Cities Network contributors from the Centre for Sustainable Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods, Sebutege Ange (Mayor of Huye); Pierre Claver (University of Rwanda, Sebutege); Vincent Manirakiza (University of Rwanda, Kigali) - Derby, 19 May 2021
  • He was a panellist, virtually, at the VIème FORUM Mondial pour les apprentissages tout au long de la vie, reflecting on presentations made at the event - Paris, 2 July 2021
  • He was a presenter at the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning/Asia Development Bank webinar, Lifelong Learning, Learning Cities and Smart Cities on the topic of Smart Learning Cities - 2 December 2021
  • He was a presenter, virtually, offering congratulatory remarks to the learning city of Yeong Dong, Republic of Korea during the Lifelong Learning Festival for its newly designated Learning City Declaration - 13 December 2021
  • He was a keynote speaker at the International Students Academic Conference at Yuanpei University of Medical Technology, Taiwan on the topic of Regional and Community Engagement of Universities, 25 March 2022
  • He was a keynote speaker at the 9th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning on 19 May 2022 at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Tonsberg with a presentation, Lifelong Learning Research– Then and Now.
  • He was the keynote speaker, virtually, at the Virtual Conference on Educational Management & Leadership - Future of Educational Management & Leadership on The leadership role of cities in delivering SDG4 - British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 28 May 2022
  • He was a keynote speaker virtually at Global Network of Learning Cities, Ansan International Forum on the topic of Global Citizenship Education - 7 September 2022, Ansan - Republic of Korea
  • He was a keynote speaker, virtually, at the 2nd Bulgarian Conference on Non-Formal Education with a presentation: Learning for global health in cities - Community resilience and the strengthening of learning – 14 October 2022, Sofia
  • He was the keynote speaker, virtually on 8 November 2022 at the Global Learning Festival webinar organised by the Australian Learning Communities Network, with a presentation entitled: An international perspective on the vital role of local and regional government as hubs for delivering SDG4.
  • He was a keynote speaker, virtually on the Leadership role of Local Authorities in delivering SDG 4 during the International Conference, Role of Adult Learning and Education (ALE) in the Development of Local Communities, in Chișinău, Moldova on 9 November 2022.
  • He was the keynote speaker at the 7th Doctoral Research Conference - British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 8 July 2023
  • He was a virtual keynote speaker at the conference of the Rete Universitatia Italiana per l'Apprendimento Permanente with a presentation entitled, University Adult and ContinuingEducation in the UK – a historical and contemporary overview, at the Univeristy of Catania, 11 May 2024 
  • He was a virtual keynote speaker at a seminar organised by the Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, National Institute for Higher Education Research and Planning, Iran on the topic, University Regional and Community Engagement, 11 June 2024

He is a reviewer of major grant proposals for the ESRC and the British Academy. At an international level, he is a reviewer for the SSHRC (Canada), including of their Research Centre initiatives and most recently he has been a reviewer of R&D Units for the European Science Foundation. He is a member of the Expert Review Panel of the Workforce Development Applied Research Fund (WDARF), a national-level research fund offered by the SkillsFuture Singapore Agency (SSG).

Academic and professional body membership

In the early 1990s he began several service contributions to the discipline. 

He was Secretary of the Universities Association for Continuing Education in Scotland for 4 years. He has serves as the university representative on the Universities Association for Lifelong Learning (UALL), its Scottish counterpart (SUALL) and the West of Scotland Wider Access Programme. He has been a member of the Executive of the British Association of International and Comparative Education and the Forum for Access and Continuing Education.  He has served on the Advisory Group of the Open University in Scotland.

He is an adviser to Glasgow Learning City.

Editorial Board

He is editor of the Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, and has been a guest editor previously of an issue of the European Journal of Education that focused on widening participation to education and the professional competences of adult education professionals, and of the International Review of Education on the theme of Learning Cities. He is a member of the editorial board of the Canadian Journal of Adult Education, Revista de Educación a Distancia and Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung.

He edits a series of books for Manchester University Press around the theme of higher education and lifelong learning to which many eminent scholars in the field have contributed, including Darlene Clover, Chris Duke, Budd Hall, Peter Mayo and Rajesh Tandon.