Professor Catherine Lido
- Professor of Psychology and Adult Learning (People, Place & Social Change)
0141 330 2733
Room 610 St Andrews Building, 11 Eldon Street, Glasgow G3 6NH
Professor Catherine Lido holds a Chair in Psychology and Adult Learning, within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow.
She is Associate Director at Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC) leading novel research in Educational Disadvantage and Place, which includes expertise in capturing lifewide learning with UNESCO's Learnings Cities metrics. She is a Co-I on UBDC Phase 2 and their data service extension grant, where she helped deliver, and promotes the use of, the integrated Multi-media City Data project open data source (iMCD data accessible
Catherine is also Deputy Director of the PASCAL Observatory for Europe. She is the former Programme Leader for the MSc Psychological Studies, and teaches mainly face to face and online topics, including Psychology of Adult Learning and Cognitive Psychology at the Masters' level.
Catherine has published widely in the area of Learning Cities and Lifewide Learning capture (see publications below). She has also had 8 successful funding bids in the last four years in the area of novel methodolgies to address education inequalities, including Co-I on the EPSRC-funded VisNET project, and GCRF on Gendered Journeys. Completed projects include the British Council Impact Study and the Eat Well Age Well partnership project on food insecurity in older adults with the charity Food Train.
Catherine was previously a Research Fellow, senior lecturer and former BSc Programme leader for the University of West London (UWL) (2004-2014). Her teaching and research interests are mainly within the social psychology of education and particularly in using novel methods to capture inequalities in all forms of learning. Catherine also acts as a visiting lecturer for the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Her PhD is from the University of Sussex (2004) in the area of social psychology, and concerned gender stereotypes in job interviews.
At UWL Catherine led a (2014) impact case study on Widening Participation in Higher Education, having collaborated on a number of funded research projects with the ESRC and the Higher Education Academy concerning supporting under-represented student groups. She has published widely in the field of inclusion in higher education, including a recently authored book chapter in Hinton-Smith’s (2013) ‘Widening Participation in Higher Education: Casting the net wide?’ . She is passionate about inclusion, prejudice-reduction and widening participation into higher education, and making adult learning more inclusive in formal and less formal settings.
Catherine delivers keynotes around the world, such as to the RSE-Ministry of Science and Technology on Big Data in Taiwan, to UNESCO-UIL expert panel on Learning Cities in Singapore and for the UNESCO Learning Cities anual conferences (Medellin and Mexico City). Catherine remains an active member of the British Psychological Society, sitting on the board of the Political Section), as well as the European Association of Social Psychologists- delivering a symposia on gendered inequalities.
Catherine maintains a regular media presence on BBC radio, TV and appeared on the June cover of The Psychologist Magazine on 'Big Data in the Big City'
You can follow her on Twitter @CatherineLido or contact her on LinkedIn Dr Catherine Lido.
Research interests
Professor Lido's research interests are mainly within the social psychology of education and particularly in using novel methods to capture inequalities in all forms of learning.
She is passionate about inclusion, prejudice-reduction and widening participation into higher education, and making adult learning more inclusive in formal and less formal settings.
Research interests include:
- Novel research in Educational Disadvantage and Place - this includes expertise in capturing lifewide learning with UNESCO's Learnings Cities metrics.
- Learning cities and lifewide learning capture (see publications below).
- Novel methodolgies to address education inequalities - including Co-I on the EPSRC-funded VisNET project.
- Gender and inequality in education.
- Food insecurity in older adults - working in partnership with the charity Food Train.
- Widening participation in higher education - in particular supporting under-represented student groups.
Feb 2020 - Present: Co-Investigator, Global Research Challenges Fund (£1.15M)
Gendered Journeys: the trajectories of STEM students and graduates through Higher education and into employment, in multiple global south contexts.
Sept 2019 - Present: Co-Investigator, Economic & Social Research Council (£540k)
Urban Big Data Centre Extension Funds.
Jan 2019 - Present: Co-Investigator, Economic & Social Research Council (£1.78M)
Urban Big Data Centre: Phase 2 Follow-on Funding.
Nov 2018 - Present: Co-Investigator, Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (£760k)
Inclusion Matters: Virtual in Situ Networking for Engineering Training (VisNET).
Oct 2018 - Present: Co-Investigator, National Lottery Community Fund (£35k)
Eat Well Age Well Project Evaluation.
April 2018 - March 2019: Co-Investigator, British Council Impact Study (£68k)
Impact study of British Council school programmes in Scotland.
Nov 2016 - Oct 2017: Co-Investigator, Impact Accelerator (ESRC)
Sept 2016 - Aug 2017: Co-Lead, QSTEP Internship Initiative
Nov 2007 - Dec 2009: Co-Investigator, Economic & Social Research Council
The Impact of Social Identity and Cultural Capital on Different Ethnic Student Groups (in collaboration with Prof Mary Stuart (Kingston University).
Representing literacies in times of precarity using Glasgow ‘Big Data’: Turning research data into interactive and engaging social objects for the public (with MakLab; £11k).
Sept 2008 - Aug 2009: Primary Investigator, West Focus Stimulus Grant
Hypermobility Public Awareness Project.
Aug 2008 - July 2009: Primary Investigator, West London Lifelong Learning
Key Statistical Skills Surgeries for a Widening Participation Student Population.
Sept 2007 - Sept 2008: Co-Investigator, Higher Education Academy
Student Diversity, extra-curricular activities and perceptions of graduate outcomes.
Aug 2006 - Aug 2007: Co-Investigator, Higher Education Academy
Widening Participation and Continuing to Postgraduate Education: Decision making, deterrents and creating success.
Oct 2004 - Oct 2005: Primary Investigator, Economic & Social Research Council
Effects of the media priming positive & negative asylum-seeker stereotypes on thoughts & behaviours.’ Collaboration with Prof Rupert Brown (University of Sussex).
Other work/ community roles:
- Independent Statistical Consultant - from Sept 2000 - Present
- Secured private and government funding for projects in a variety of competitive domains:
- Sociology: E.g. British Academy & AIM Higher Sussex teaching & learning evaluations of WP learners (U. of Sussex) and satisfaction for students with disabilities.
- Health/ Complementary medicine: E.g. MRSA statistics and response; Richard Wells Research Centre/ NHS, Reflexology and light massage fMRI research.
- Government: E.g. Center for Family Resources (NJ, U.S.A.) evaluation of parental education classes for deprived and ‘at risk’ families.
- Organisational: Extreme Networks global data and communications company (CA, USA) & Achieve UNITE analysing global customer needs/satisfaction & partner evaluations
Catherine is currently supervising the following Postgraduate Researchers:
- Jianshu Liu - Gender stereotypes and women in STEM: A cross-cultural comparison of Chinese & British students associations and attitudes.
- Kristina Huie - Evidencing Impact of Home Support Food Services on Older Adults’ Physical and Psychosocial Health in Scotland: An Ecological Systems Theory Approach (M Phil)
- Zy Evangelista - Cross-cultural comparative campus climate study on LGBT+ university students in the Philippines and the UK.
- Barry Black - Chances or Choices? Influences on Young People's Learning Decisions.
- Brittney Nathaniel - Comparative Study of Access Courses for Adults in USA & Scotland.
- Stephanie Mason - Global Citizenship: Tracing the Development of Model Global Citizens Through Life-History Interviews
- Jingwen (Grace) Gao - The influence of COVID-19 on participation in adult higher education: Case studies from Scotland and China
- Andrea Kyprianou - Assessing the Andragogical Effectiveness of smart phone technologies on learners’ acquisition of Phrasal Verbs in English
Catherine is passionate about creating a supportive and inclusive community for PhD researchers and is Co-lead of the School's PhD Community Building Team.
- Alqahtani, Ebtisam Saeed H
An investigation into the potential adoption of Augmented Reality as pedagogical in teaching and learning practice tools from an academic staff perspective in Saudi higher education - Gao, Jingwen
An analysis of the motivations of mature students - Kyprianou, Andrea
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Smartphone Application on Adult Learners’ Acquisition of Phrasal Verbs in English - Mason, Stephanie
Exploring Global Citizenship Development: From Global, to Local, to the Self - Nathaniel, Brittney
Non-Traditional Entry Routes to Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Inclusion in Access for Adults in New York State and Scotland - Zhang, Siyuan
The Gendered Expectations on Chinese Social Media and Chinese Women's Willingness to Pursue Higher Education
Current teaching interests:
- Psychology of Adult Learning (online and face to face)
- Cognitive Psychology (online and face to face)
- Quantitative and Mixed-methods (guest lectures)
Previous teaching:
- Psychology of Human Diversity
- Stereotyping and Prejudice
- Further Research Methods
- Social and Developmental Psychology
- Psychology and Social Issues
In 2010 Catherine was the recipient of an Institute for Teaching and Learning Grant (University of the West London) as a Technology Enhanced Learning Champion.
Additional information
Professional training and qualifications:
2017-2018: Emerging Female Leaders in Higher Education - Aurora Programme.
2016-2017: Leadership Training - Crucible, Glasgow.
2016: Parliamentary Training for Academics - Holyrood, Parliament, Scotland.
2016: BBC Media Training - University of Glasgow.
2012: Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice - University of West London.
2009: CPPD in Learning & Teaching - Thames Valley University.
Knowledge exchange & outreach activities:
2016 - Present: Psychologist magazine, cover feature June 2019, also featured in conference contributions, opinion pieces and ‘Future Cities’ research articles.
2016 - 2018: Royal Society of Edinburgh Network #Life in Data project with interdisciplinary collaborators (including Wikimedia, Data Lab and Urban Tide).
2015 - Present: BBC radio & TV Scotland regularly invited expert on gender and social psychology.
2015 - Present: ESRC Festival Social Sciences annually, as well as public engagement Glasgow Science Festival, MoSSfest and other public engagement events on Lifewide Literacies.
2015: Centre for Research and Development in Adult and Lifelong Learning (CR&DALL)/ Urban Big Data Centre joint conference organisation: Wellbeing and learning for a better life: Reflecting across cultures and contexts.
2015: Urban Big Data Centre, training event - Structural Equation Modelling in Social Research
2012: Hosted Higher Education Academy Seminar Series Conference; The Future of Widening Participation in HE: Revisiting WP Policy & Practice in 2013.
2010: Recipient of the Institute for Teaching and Learning Grant (UWL) as a Technology Enhanced Learning Champion.
2009: Hosted Higher Education Academy Seminar Series Conference; Higher Education Students & Ethnicity: Lessons from Research (Access & Success for All Initiative).
2005-2009: Nominated as Blackboard Champion promoting ‘Blended learning’.
2004-2008: Delivered Aim Higher Masterclasses raising aspirations of young people.
2007: Presented at Amnesty International Refugee Week, Oxford.
2004-2006: Developed and delivered Staff Training and Associate modules (open to the general public) in SPSS, Qualitative Methods and ‘Think Psychology’.
Conference presentations:
Oct 2019: Invited Speaker: UNESCO Annual Learning Cities conference (Medellin, Colombia).
Sept 2019: Invited Workshop: European Museums Association Awards (Ljubljana Slovenia).
Sept 2019: Invited Seminar: Scottish Government Education Analytical Services (Edinburgh, UK).
Sept 2019: Invited Expert: UNESCO International expert roundtable on lifelong learning (Singapore).
Feb 2019: Invited Workshop: NCUK Spring Conference (Ostersund, Sweden).
Cultural Literacy and Policy Development
European Museums Association & PASCAL International Observatory
Dec 2018: Invited Talk: Revisiting Media Effects on Attitudes Towards Asylum Seekers - Oxfam-University of West of Scotland Workshop on Media Representations (Paisley, UK).
Nov 2018: Invited Talk: International Transformative Learning Conference - Transforming Learning Cities: Using Glasgow ‘Big-Data’ to challenge notions of ‘Lifewide Literacies’ (New York, USA)
Sept 2018: Invited Talk: European Museums Association Conference - Cultural Learning and Literacies in Glasgow (Aarhus, Denmark)
Oct 2017: Invited Keynote: Royal Society Edinburgh - Ministry of Science & Technology - Using Glasgow ‘Big-Data’ to Promote Public Engagement with ‘Lifewide Literacies’ & Inclusion in Learning (Hzinchu City, Taiwan).
Sept 2017: British Psychological Society- Social Section Annual Conference -Lifewide literacies and social inclusion: Using Glasgow ‘Big Data’ to promote public engagement in inequality discourses (Leicester, UK).
April 2017: British Psychological Society Annual Conference - Lifewide Literacies in Glasgow: A ‘Big-Data’ Multi-method Approach (Brighton, UK).
March 2017: Universities Association of Lifelong Learning Annual Conference - Inclusion in Glasgow’s Learning City: An investigation of older adult engagement in all forms of learning across the urban context (York, UK).
June 2016: 13th Pascal International Learning Cities Conference 2016 - Co-organiser; Host of Pre-Conference: Learning Cities and the Urban Big Data Centre (Glasgow, UK).
May 2016: Invited Keynote Education & Global Cities Conference - Economic, Social & Regional Development Implications of the Learning Cities Agenda (St. Petersburg, Russia).
May 2016: Invited Keynote TUSEM Annual Conference - Why Lifelong Learning, Why Learning Cities?: Economic, Social and Regional Development implications of the Learning Cities agenda (Izmir, Turkey).
Sept 2015: UNESCO Building Sustainable Learning Cities Conference - Using urban ‘Big Data’ to evaluate modern learning cities (Mexico City, Mexico).
May 2015: Scottish Economic Society Annual Conference -The Urban Big Data Centre’s Research into Literacies (Perth, UK).
March 2015: Universities Association for Lifelong Learning - The integrated Multimedia City Data Project (iMCD) at the Urban Big Data Centre (Glasgow, UK).
April 2013: Equality Challenge Unit: Attainment for All - The role of virtual learning environments and peer support for under-represented student groups (Glasgow, UK).
June 2009: Centre for Social Psychology in Ireland - The Impact of Social Identity & Cultural Capital on Different Ethnic Student Groups (Limerick, Ireland).
March 2009: Centre for Applied Positive Psychology - How can we best support different students in their studies? (Warwick, UK).
Nov 2008: HE Research & Development Association - Widening Participation in PG Study Action Session (Torquay, UK).
June 2008: European Association for Experimental Social Psychology - Role of stereotype threat in media priming asylum seeker stereotypes (Croatia).
Oct 2007: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference - Widening Participation in Higher Education. (Harrogate, UK)
Sept 2007: British Psychological Society, Social Section - Automatic Gender Stereotyping in Job Interviews (Canterbury, UK)
Sept 2006: British Psychological Society, Social Section - Automatic Racism and Mimicry following Newspapers Priming Asylum Seeker Stereotypes. (Birmingham, UK).
July 2006: Association for Cultural Studies - The effects of Newspaper Media on Asylum-Seeker Stereotypes (Istanbul, Turkey).
June 2006: British Psychological Society - Poster: Automatic effects of newspapers priming asylum-seeker Stereotypes (Cardiff, UK).
Jan 2006: Society for Personality & Social Psychology - Poster: the effects of the media priming asylum-seeker stereotypes (Palm Springs, CA, USA).
April 2001: EAESP Small Group Meeting on Gender Role Research - The automatic effects of priming gender stereotypes (Graz, Austria).
Catherine is a fully qualified Pilates instructor and intends to obtain further certification to work with special populations - including pregnant women, older adults and those recovering from serious injuries.