Margaret Sutherland, Professor of High Ability Studies and Inclusive Practice, is one of four international experts to have been appointed to the advisory board of a new Swedish doctoral programme on gifted education. The programme will, on behalf of the Swedish Research Council, develop knowledge on gifted education with regards to pupils in Swedish pre-school, primary school and secondary schools, a field that is relevant to teacher education as well as to research in educational sciences. Nine doctoral students will study and build capacity for these young people in the Swedish education system.

The aim of the doctoral programme is to build capacity in Sweden in terms of research on inclusive teaching of gifted pupils. It will be active for five years as a continuation of a Nordic research collaboration and will include a wider circle of leading international expertise. Margaret said “I am delighted to have been appointed to this important doctoral programme and I look forward to working with staff and doctoral students as they pursue their studies. There are many similarities between Scotland and Sweden’s approach to high ability. Being involved in and contributing to this programme has the potential to strengthen the work both in Sweden and Scotland”. Margaret’s first contribution is participating in a Nordic network seminar in September where, as one of two experts, she will work with teachers and researchers from the region.



First published: 27 July 2022

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