Number of items: 40.
Anderson, W.
A smile which melted her heart: exploring metaphors in English corpora.
In: Viana, V. (ed.)
Teaching English with Corpora.
Routledge: Abingdon, pp. 181-184.
ISBN 9781032252971
Anderson, W. and Semino, E.
In: Adolphs, S. and Knight, D. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities.
Routledge: London and New York, pp. 125-142.
ISBN 9781138901766
Anderson, W.
Metaphor in the digital age: Opening the flood-gates.
Token: A Journal of English Linguistics, 10,
pp. 15-38.
(doi: 10.25951/4356)
Anderson, W.
Perception metaphor in English: a bird's-eye view.
In: Speed, L. J., O'Meara, C., San Roque, L. and Majid, A. (eds.)
Perception Metaphors.
Series: Converging evidence in language and communication research (19).
John Benjamins Publishing Company: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, pp. 65-83.
ISBN 9789027202000
(doi: 10.1075/celcr.19.04and)
Anderson, W. and Corbett, J.
Exploring English with Online Corpora: An Introduction [2nd ed.].
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, Hampshire.
ISBN 9781137438126
Vanhoutte, E., Anderson, W. , Galina, I. and Gooding, P.
Digital Humanities 2015: Global Digital Humanities [Guest Editors].
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 32(S1),
Anderson, W.
Metaphor Across Time and Conceptual Space by James J. Mischler III.
Metaphor and Symbol, 32(1),
pp. 55-56.
(doi: 10.1080/10926488.2017.1272921)[Book Review]
Anderson, W.
Metaphor and diachronic variation.
In: Semino, E. and Demjén, Z. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Metaphor and Language.
Series: Routledge handbooks in linguistics.
ISBN 9781138775367
(doi: 10.4324/9781315672953.ch16)
Anderson, W. and Hough, C.
Engaging users of Scottish online language resources.
In: Corrigan, K. P. and Mearns, A. (eds.)
Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora: Databases for Public Engagement.
Palgrave, pp. 69-97.
ISBN 9781137386441
(doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-38645-8_3)
Anderson, W. , Bramwell, E. and Hough, C. (Eds.)
Mapping English Metaphor through Time.
Series: Oxford linguistics.
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 9780198744573
Anderson, W.
Waves of excitement, waves of metaphor.
In: Anderson, W., Bramwell, E. and Hough, C. (eds.)
Mapping English Metaphor through Time.
Oxford University Press, pp. 115-136.
ISBN 9780198744573
(doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198744573.003.0008)
Anderson, W. , Hough, C. , Kay, C., Bramwell, E., Aitken, B., Hamilton, R. and Alexander, M.
Metaphor Map of Old English.
Anderson, W. , Hough, C. , Kay, C., Bramwell, E., Aitken, B., Hamilton, R. and Alexander, M.
Metaphor Map of English.
Anderson, W. and Corbett, J.
'What do we chat about when we chat about culture?' The discourse of online intercultural exchanges.
In: Tcherepashenets, N. (ed.)
Globalizing On-line: Telecollaboration, Internationalization, and Social Justice.
Series: Telecollaboration in Education (4).
Peter Lang: Bern, pp. 177-200.
ISBN 9783034315203
Anderson, W. , Aitken, B. and Hamilton, R.
A digital metaphor map for English [poster].
In: DH2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-12 Jul 2014,
Anderson, W. , Biggam, C. P., Hough, C. and Kay, C. (Eds.)
Colour Studies: A Broad Spectrum.
John Benjamins: Amsterdam.
ISBN 9789027212191
Alexander, M. and Anderson, W.
"Civilization arranged in chronological strata": a digital approach to the English semantic space.
In: Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-12 Jul 2014,
Anderson, W. and Bramwell, E.
A metaphorical spectrum: surveying colour terms in English.
In: Anderson, W., Biggam, C. P., Hough, C. and Kay, C. (eds.)
Colour Studies: A Broad Spectrum.
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, pp. 140-152.
ISBN 9789027212191
(doi: 10.1075/z.191)
Anderson, W. and Bramwell, E.
Of anoraks and oysters: metaphors of social communication in the historical thesaurus.
In: British Association for Applied Linguistics Conference 2013, Edinburgh, UK, 5-7 Sept 2013,
pp. 41-52.
Anderson, W.
"But that's dialect, isn't it?" Exploring geographical variation in the SCOTS corpus.
In: Bamford, J., Cavalieri, S. and Diani, G. (eds.)
Variation and Change in Spoken and Written Discourse: Perspectives from Corpus Linguistics.
John Benjamins: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
ISBN 9789027210388
Anderson, W. (Ed.)
Language in Scotland: Corpus-Based Studies.
Series: SCROLL: Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature.
Rodopi: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
ISBN 9789042037182
Anderson, W.
'Snippets of memory': metaphor in the SCOTS corpus.
In: Anderson, W. (ed.)
Language in Scotland: Corpus-Based Studies.
Series: SCROLL: Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature (19).
Rodopi: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 215-236.
ISBN 9789042037182
Anderson, W. and Corbett, J.
Shaping intercultural competence? Creating a virtual space for the development of intercultural communicative competence.
In: Sharifian, F. and Jamarani, M. (eds.)
Language and Intercultural Communication in the New Era.
Series: Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication.
Routledge: New York, NYC, USA, pp. 99-115.
ISBN 9780415808897
Anderson, W.
Evidence for sound-change from Scottish corpora.
In: Nevalainen, T. and Traugott, E.C. (eds.)
Oxford Handbook of the History of English.
Oxford University Press: New York, N.Y., pp. 169-172.
ISBN 9780199922765
Anderson, W.
Red herrings in a sea of data: exploring colour terms with the SCOTS corpus.
In: Biggam, C., Hough, C., Kay, C. and Simmons, D. (eds.)
New Directions in Colour Studies.
John Benjamins, pp. 59-71.
ISBN 9789027211880
Corbett, J. and Anderson, W.
Using it or losing it? Scots and younger speakers.
In: Kirk, J.M. and Ó Baoill, D.P. (eds.)
Sustaining Minority Language Communities: Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and Scotland.
Series: Belfast studies in language, culture, and politics (20).
Cló Ollscoil na Banríona: Belfast, UK, pp. 225-237.
ISBN 9780853899761
Anderson, W. and Corbett, J.
Teaching English as a friendly language: lessons from the SCOTS corpus.
ELT Journal, 64(4),
pp. 414-423.
(doi: 10.1093/elt/ccp085)
Anderson, W. and Corbett, J.
Language and Intercultural Communication, 10(1),
pp. 1-2.
(doi: 10.1080/14708470903560465)
Austin, K. and Anderson, W.
Faith, friendship and learning: intercultural communication in the Republic of Letters.
Language and Intercultural Communication, 10(1),
pp. 17-31.
(doi: 10.1080/14708470903215177)
Anderson, W. and Corbett, J.B.
Exploring English with Online Corpora: An Introduction [1st ed.].
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
ISBN 9780230551404
Anderson, W. , Bann, J. and Beavan, D.
Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing (CMSW).
In: Corpus Linguistics 2009, Liverpool, 20-23 July 2009,
Anderson, W.
Teaching and learning guide for 'corpus linguistics in the UK: resources for sociolinguistic research'.
Language and Linguistics Compass, 3(1),
pp. 509-516.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1749-818X.2008.00106.x)
Anderson, W.
Corpus linguistics in the UK: resources for sociolinguistic research.
Language and Linguistics Compass, 2(2),
pp. 352-371.
(doi: 10.1111/j.1749-818X.2008.00057.x)
Anderson, W. and Corbett, J.B.
The Scottish corpus of texts and speech - a user's guide.
Scottish Language, 27,
pp. 19-41.
Anderson, W.
The SCOTS Corpus: a resource for language contact study.
In: Ureland, P.S., Lodge, A. and Pugh, S. (eds.)
Language contact and minority languages in Europe.
Series: Studies in Eurolinguistics, 5.
Logos Verlag.
ISBN 9783832516444
Corbett, J., Smith, J. , Anderson, W. , Bann, J., Beavan, D. and Anderson, J.
CMSW (Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing).
[Research Reports or Papers]
Anderson, W.
"Absolutely, totally, filled to the brim with the Famous Grouse": intensifying adverbs in the Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech.
English Today, 22(3),
pp. 10-16.
(doi: 10.1017/S0266078406003038)
Anderson, W.
The phraseology of administrative French: a corpus-based study.
Series: Language and computers: studies in practical linguistics, 57.
ISBN 9789042020221
Anderson, W. and Beavan, D.
Internet delivery of time-synchronised multimedia: the SCOTS projects.
In: Corpus Linguistics 2005, Birmingham, 14-17 July 2005,
Anderson, W.
Contemporary Francophone identity as reflected in the collocational differences within a corpus of French administrative texts.
In: Contemporary Francophone Identities: An International Post Graduate Conference, Glasgow, UK, 19-20 Oct 2001,
This list was generated on Mon Mar 24 20:11:03 2025 GMT.