Mrs Jean Anderson

  • Honorary Research Fellow (School of Critical Studies)


English Language,, 12 University Gds, Glasgow

Import to contacts

Research interests

  • Computers in teaching and research in English and Scottish Studies
  • Courseware development
  • Text retrieval and analysis
  • Hypertext
  • The Internet and World Wide Web
  • Digital resources for the humanities


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2007 | 2006 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1995
Number of items: 18.


Wattam, S., Rayson, P., Alexander, M. and Anderson, J. (2015) Experiences with parallelisation of an existing NLP pipeline: tagging Hansard. Language Resources and Evaluation,


Alexander, M. , Anderson, J., Baron, A., Dallachy, F. , Kay, C., Piao, S. and Rayson, P. (2014) Metaphor, popular science and semantic tagging: distant reading with the historical thesaurus of English. In: Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-12 Jul 2014,

Wattam, S., Rayson, P., Alexander, M. and Anderson, J. (2014) Experiences with Parallelisation of an Existing NLP Pipeline: Tagging Hansard. In: 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 May 2014, pp. 4093-4096. ISBN 9782951740884


Anderson, J. (2013) Enroller: an experiment in aggregating resources. In: Anderson, W. (ed.) Language in Scotland: Corpus-Based Studies. Series: Scottish cultural review of language and literature, 19. Editions Rodopi B.V.: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789042037182


Alexander, M. and Anderson, J. (2012) The Hansard Corpus, 1803-2003. [Research Reports or Papers]


Anderson, J., Alexander, M. , Green, J. , Sarwar, M. and Sinnott, R. (2011) Enroller: a grid-based research platform for English and Scots language. In: Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 19-22 Jun 2011,

Anderson, J., Alexander, M. , Green, J. , Sarwar, M., Sinnott, R. and Ren, R. (2011) ENROLLER: An Enhanced Repository for Language and Literature Researchers. [Research Reports or Papers]

Anderson, J., Alexander, M. , Kay, C. and Sarwar, M. (2011) Data mining and search enhancements using the Historical Thesaurus of English. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Search and Mining Entity-relationship Data, Glasgow, 24-28 Oct 2011, pp. 27-28. (doi: 10.1145/2064988.2065000)

Sarwar, M.S., Alexander, M. , Anderson, J., Green, J. and Sinnott, R.O. (2011) Implementing MapReduce over language and literature data over the UK National Grid Service. In: 7th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Islamabad, Pakistan, 5-6 Sep 2011, (doi: 10.1109/ICET.2011.6048475)


Sarwar, M., Sinnott, R., Anderson, J., Alexander, M. and Green, J. (2010) An e-Research Infrastructure for Language and Literature Research. In: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, Wales, 13-16 September 2010,


Anderson, J., Beavan, D. and Kay, C. (2007) The Scottish corpus of texts and speech. In: Beal, J.C., Corrigan, K.P. and Moisl, H.L. (eds.) Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora. Palgrave: New York, USA, pp. 17-34. ISBN 9781403943668

Corbett, J., Smith, J. , Anderson, W. , Bann, J., Beavan, D. and Anderson, J. (2007) CMSW (Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing). [Research Reports or Papers]


Kretzschmar, W.A., Anderson, J., Beal, J.C., Corrigan, K.P., Opas-Hänninen, L.L. and Plichta, B. (2006) Collaboration on corpora for regional and social analysis. Journal of English Linguistics, 34(3), pp. 172-205. (doi: 10.1177/0075424206293598)


Beavan, D. and Anderson, J. (2004) A generic application for corpus management and administration. In: ALLC/ACH 2004: Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computers and the Humanities, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-16 Jun 2004,


Anderson, J., Dunning, A. and Fraser, M. (Eds.) (2003) Digital Resources for the Humanities 2001-2002: An Edited Selection of Papers. Series: Office for Humanities Communication publication. Office for Humanities Communication: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781897791172


Kay, C., Corbett, J., Anderson, J., Beavan, D., Douglas, F., Thompson, H. and O'Donnell, T. (2002) SCOTS (Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech). [Research Reports or Papers]


Anderson, J.G., Fortier, P., Horobin, S. and Kay, C. (2001) Literary and Linguistic Computing [Guest Editors]. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 16(1 and),


Kay, C. and Anderson, J. (1995) ARIES: Assisted Revision in English Style. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 03:55:24 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 18.


Wattam, S., Rayson, P., Alexander, M. and Anderson, J. (2015) Experiences with parallelisation of an existing NLP pipeline: tagging Hansard. Language Resources and Evaluation,

Kretzschmar, W.A., Anderson, J., Beal, J.C., Corrigan, K.P., Opas-Hänninen, L.L. and Plichta, B. (2006) Collaboration on corpora for regional and social analysis. Journal of English Linguistics, 34(3), pp. 172-205. (doi: 10.1177/0075424206293598)

Anderson, J.G., Fortier, P., Horobin, S. and Kay, C. (2001) Literary and Linguistic Computing [Guest Editors]. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 16(1 and),

Book Sections

Anderson, J. (2013) Enroller: an experiment in aggregating resources. In: Anderson, W. (ed.) Language in Scotland: Corpus-Based Studies. Series: Scottish cultural review of language and literature, 19. Editions Rodopi B.V.: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789042037182

Anderson, J., Beavan, D. and Kay, C. (2007) The Scottish corpus of texts and speech. In: Beal, J.C., Corrigan, K.P. and Moisl, H.L. (eds.) Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora. Palgrave: New York, USA, pp. 17-34. ISBN 9781403943668

Edited Books

Anderson, J., Dunning, A. and Fraser, M. (Eds.) (2003) Digital Resources for the Humanities 2001-2002: An Edited Selection of Papers. Series: Office for Humanities Communication publication. Office for Humanities Communication: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9781897791172

Research Reports or Papers

Alexander, M. and Anderson, J. (2012) The Hansard Corpus, 1803-2003. [Research Reports or Papers]

Anderson, J., Alexander, M. , Green, J. , Sarwar, M., Sinnott, R. and Ren, R. (2011) ENROLLER: An Enhanced Repository for Language and Literature Researchers. [Research Reports or Papers]

Corbett, J., Smith, J. , Anderson, W. , Bann, J., Beavan, D. and Anderson, J. (2007) CMSW (Corpus of Modern Scottish Writing). [Research Reports or Papers]

Kay, C., Corbett, J., Anderson, J., Beavan, D., Douglas, F., Thompson, H. and O'Donnell, T. (2002) SCOTS (Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech). [Research Reports or Papers]

Kay, C. and Anderson, J. (1995) ARIES: Assisted Revision in English Style. [Research Reports or Papers]

Conference Proceedings

Alexander, M. , Anderson, J., Baron, A., Dallachy, F. , Kay, C., Piao, S. and Rayson, P. (2014) Metaphor, popular science and semantic tagging: distant reading with the historical thesaurus of English. In: Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, 7-12 Jul 2014,

Wattam, S., Rayson, P., Alexander, M. and Anderson, J. (2014) Experiences with Parallelisation of an Existing NLP Pipeline: Tagging Hansard. In: 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 May 2014, pp. 4093-4096. ISBN 9782951740884

Anderson, J., Alexander, M. , Green, J. , Sarwar, M. and Sinnott, R. (2011) Enroller: a grid-based research platform for English and Scots language. In: Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 19-22 Jun 2011,

Anderson, J., Alexander, M. , Kay, C. and Sarwar, M. (2011) Data mining and search enhancements using the Historical Thesaurus of English. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Search and Mining Entity-relationship Data, Glasgow, 24-28 Oct 2011, pp. 27-28. (doi: 10.1145/2064988.2065000)

Sarwar, M.S., Alexander, M. , Anderson, J., Green, J. and Sinnott, R.O. (2011) Implementing MapReduce over language and literature data over the UK National Grid Service. In: 7th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), Islamabad, Pakistan, 5-6 Sep 2011, (doi: 10.1109/ICET.2011.6048475)

Sarwar, M., Sinnott, R., Anderson, J., Alexander, M. and Green, J. (2010) An e-Research Infrastructure for Language and Literature Research. In: UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2010, Cardiff, Wales, 13-16 September 2010,

Beavan, D. and Anderson, J. (2004) A generic application for corpus management and administration. In: ALLC/ACH 2004: Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computers and the Humanities, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-16 Jun 2004,

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 03:55:24 2025 GMT.

Additional information

Jean Anderson was Resource Development Officer for the School of English and Scottish Language and Literature and a member of the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute at the University of Glasgow. She lectured and directed projects in Literary and Linguistic Computing and in Humanities Computing, and is now retired and an honorary research fellow of the College of Arts.

After graduating in Philosophy and Linguistics in 1983, Jean Anderson took a postgraduate diploma course in Computing Science. She worked for three years in commerce and local government as a systems analyst and programmer. Since 1987, she was Programmer, Manager and then Director of the STELLA Project (Software for Teaching English and Scottish Language and Literature), which produced teaching packages for English and Scottish language and literature. She manageed sub-projects in this area, including STARN, the Scots Teaching and Research Network, and worked with members of the School in digitization projects such as 'The Sounds of Scots', which provides digitized readings of Scots poetry by Scots poets (funded by the Scots Cultural Resources Access Network), 'A Guide to Scottish Literature from 1350', 'An Anthology of Early Scottish Poetry', and 'Readings in Old, Middle and Early English'.

She was co-director of the Scottish Corpus of Texts and Speech (SCOTS) project, funded firstly by EPSRC and then by AHRC, and was the Principal Investigator for ENROLLER, a JISC-funded humanities/e-Science collaboration from April 2009 to 2011.