Number of items: 83.
Earland, J. L., Scourse, J. D., Ehmen, T., Kender, S. and Ascough, P.
Identification of the Storegga event offshore Shetland.
Marine Geology, 474,
(doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2024.107334)
Schiedung, M., Ascough, P. , Bellè, S.-L., Bird, M. I., Bröder, L., Haghipour, N., Hilton, R. G., Lattaud, J. and Abiven, S.
Millennial-aged pyrogenic carbon in high-latitude mineral soils.
Communications Earth and Environment, 5,
(doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01343-5)
Ascough, P. , Bompard, N., Garnett, M.H. , Gulliver, P. , Murray, C. , Newton, J.-A. and Taylor, C.
14C Measurement of samples for environmental science applications at the National Environmental Isotope Facility (NEIF) Radiocarbon Laboratory, SUERC, UK.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2024.9)
(Early Online Publication)
Garnett, M. H. , Pereira, R., Taylor, C., Murray, C. and Ascough, P. L.
A new ramped oxidation-14C analysis facility at the NEIF Radiocarbon Laboratory, East Kilbride, UK.
Radiocarbon, 65(5),
pp. 1213-1229.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2023.96)
Knapp, W. J. et al.
Quantifying CO2 removal at enhanced weathering sites: a multiproxy approach.
Environmental Science and Technology, 57(26),
pp. 9854-9864.
(doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c03757)
Sendrowski, A., Wohl, E., Hilton, R., Kramer, N. and Ascough, P.
Wood-based carbon storage in the Mackenzie river delta: the world's largest mapped riverine wood deposit.
Geophysical Research Letters, 50(7),
(doi: 10.1029/2022GL100913)
Garnett, M. H. , Bryant, C. L., Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Gulliver, P. and Ascough, P. L.
A database of NERC radiocarbon measurements determined by accelerator mass spectrometry.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2023.18)
(Early Online Publication)
Freeman, S. P.H.T. , Dunbar, E. , Tripney, B. G. , Ascough, P. L. , Fabel, D. , Gulliver, P. , McIntyre, C. , Naysmith, P. , Shanks, R. P. and Xu, S.
Another 6 years of radiocarbon secondary-standard AMS with two spectrometers.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 535,
pp. 267-271.
(doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2022.12.014)
Mazzini, A., Sciarra, A., Lupi, M., Ascough, P. , Akhmanov, G., Karyono, K. and Husein, A.
Deep fluids migration and submarine emersion of the Kalang Anyar mud volcano (Java, Indonesia): a multidisciplinary study.
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 148,
(doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105970)
Faust, J. C., Ascough, P. , Hilton, R. G., Stevenson, M., Hendry, K. R. and März, C.
New evidence for preservation of contemporary marine organic carbon by iron in Arctic shelf sediments.
Environmental Research Letters, 18(1),
(doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aca780)
Blanz, M., Balasse, M., Card, N., Ascough, P. , Fiorillo, D., Taggart, M. A., Feldmann, J. and Mainland, I.
Life, death and teeth of Late Neolithic sheep and red deer excavated at Ness of Brodgar, Orkney Islands (UK).
Environmental Archaeology,
(doi: 10.1080/14614103.2022.2146320)
(Early Online Publication)
O'Brien, Á. C. et al.
Using organic contaminants to constrain the terrestrial journey of the martian meteorite Lafayette.
Astrobiology, 22(11),
pp. 1351-1362.
(doi: 10.1089/ast.2021.0180)
Feldpausch, T. R., Carvalho, L., Macario, K. D., Ascough, P. L. , Flores, C. F., Honorio Coronado, E. N., Kalamandeen, M., Phillips, O. L. and Staff, R. A.
Forest fire history in Amazonia inferred from intensive soil charcoal sampling and radiocarbon dating.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5,
(doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2022.815438)
Tipping, E. et al.
Relationships between riverine and terrestrial dissolved organic carbon: concentration, radiocarbon signature, specific UV absorbance.
Science of the Total Environment, 817,
(doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153000)
Blanza, M., Stewart, S., Mainland, I., Ascough, P. , Raab, A., Feldmann, J. and Taggart, M. A.
Trace element ratios in tooth enamel as palaeodietary indicators of seaweed consumption and coastal grazing, and their broader applicability.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 139,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2022.105551)
Hajdas, I., Ascough, P. , Garnett, M. H. , Fallon, S. J., Pearson, C. L., Quarta, G., Spalding, K. L., Yamaguchi, H. and Yoneda, M.
Radiocarbon dating.
Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 1,
(doi: 10.1038/s43586-021-00058-7)
Blanz, M., Mainland, I., Richards, M., Balasse, M., Ascough, P. , Wolfhagen, J., Taggart, M. A. and Feldmann, J.
Identifying seaweed consumption by sheep using isotope analysis of their bones and teeth: modern reference δ13C and δ15N values and their archaeological implications.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 118,
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105140)
Haig, J., Ascough, P. L. , Wurster, C. M. and Bird, M. I.
A rapid throughput technique to isolate pyrogenic carbon by hydrogen pyrolysis for stable isotope and radiocarbon analysis.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 34(10),
(doi: 10.1002/rcm.8737)
Garnett, M. H. , Newton, J.-A. and Ascough, P. L.
Advances in the radiocarbon analysis of carbon dioxide at the NERC radiocarbon facility (East Kilbride) using molecular sieve cartridges.
Radiocarbon, 61(6),
pp. 1855-1865.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2019.86)
Garnett, M.H. , Murray, C. , Gulliver, P. and Ascough, P.L.
Radiocarbon analysis of methane at the NERC Radiocarbon Facility (East Kilbride).
Radiocarbon, 61(5),
pp. 1477-1487.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2019.3)
Estrella-Martínez, J., Ascough, P. L. , Schöne, B. R., Scourse, J. D. and Butler, P. G.
8.2 ka event North Sea hydrography determined by bivalve shell stable isotope geochemistry.
Scientific Reports, 9,
(doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-43219-1)
Blanz, M., Ascough, P. , Mainland, I., Martin, P., Taggart, M. A., Dieterich, B., Wishart, J., Sayle, K. L. , Raab, A. and Feldmann, J.
Seaweed fertilisation impacts the chemical and isotopic composition of barley: implications for analyses of archaeological skeletal remains.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 104,
pp. 34-44.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2019.02.003)
Munksgaard, N.C., McBeath, A.V., Ascough, P.L. , Levchenko, V.A., Williams, A. and Bird, M.I.
Partitioning of microbially respired CO2 between indigenous and exogenous carbon sources during biochar degradation using radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes.
Radiocarbon, 61(2),
pp. 573-586.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2018.128)
Ascough, P. , Mainland, I. and Newton, A.
From isoscapes to farmscapes: Introduction to the special issue.
Environmental Archaeology, 23(4),
pp. 299-302.
(doi: 10.1080/14614103.2018.1516341)
Ascough, P. L. , Bird, M. I., Meredith, W., Snape, C., Large, D., Tilston, E., Apperley, D., Bernabé, A. and Shen, L.
Dynamics of charcoal alteration in a tropical biome: A biochar-based study.
Frontiers in Earth Science, 6,
(doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00061)
Alves, E. Q., Macario, K., Ascough, P. and Bronk Ramsey, C.
The worldwide marine radiocarbon reservoir effect: definitions, mechanisms, and prospects.
Reviews of Geophysics, 56(1),
pp. 278-305.
(doi: 10.1002/2017RG000588)
Bownes, J. M. , Ascough, P. L. , Cook, G. T. , Murray, I. and Bonsall, C.
Using stable isotopes and a Bayesian mixing model (FRUITS) to investigate diet at the Late Mesolithic/Early Neolithic site of Carding Mill Bay, Scotland.
Radiocarbon, 59(5),
pp. 1275-1294.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2017.39)
Bird, M. I., McBeath, A. V., Ascough, P. L. , Levchenko, V. A., Wurtser, C. M., Munksgaard, N. C., Smernik, R. J. and Williams, A.
Loss and gain of carbon during char degradation.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 106,
pp. 80-89.
(doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.12.012)
Ascough, P. L. , Church, M. J. and Cook, G. T.
Marine radiocarbon reservoir effects for the Mesolithic and Medieval Periods in the Western Isles of Scotland.
Radiocarbon, 59(1),
pp. 17-31.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2016.99)
Keitel, C., Ascough, P. , Wurster, C. and Bird, M.I.
Stable isotope analysis of biochars.
In: Singh, B., Camps Arbestain, M. and Lehmann, J. (eds.)
Biochar: A Guide to Analytical Methods.
CRC Press: Clayton.
ISBN 9781498765534
Meredith, W., McBeath, A., Ascough, P. and Bird, M.I.
Analysis of biochars by hydropyrolysis (HyPy).
In: Singh, B., Camps Arbestain, M. and Lehmann, J. (eds.)
Biochar: A Guide to Analytical Methods.
CRC Press: Clayton.
ISBN 9781498765534
Olsen, J., Ascough, P. , Lougheed, B. C. and Rasmussen, P.
Radiocarbon dating in estuarine environments.
In: Weckström, K., Saunders, K. M., Gell, P. A. and Skilbeck, C. G. (eds.)
Applications of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in Estuarine Studies.
Series: Developments in paleoenvironmental research (20).
Springer: Dordrecht, pp. 141-170.
ISBN 9789402409888
(doi: 10.1007/978-94-024-0990-1_7)
Santín, C., Doerr, S. H., Merino, A., Bucheli, T. D., Bryant, R., Ascough, P. , Gao, X. and Masiello, C. A.
Carbon sequestration potential and physicochemical properties differ between wildfire charcoals and slow-pyrolysis biochars.
Scientific Reports, 7,
(doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10455-2)
Tilston, E. L., Ascough, P. L. , Garnett, M. H. and Bird, M. I.
Quantifying charcoal degradation and negative priming of soil organic matter with a radiocarbon-dead tracer.
Radiocarbon, 58(4),
pp. 905-919.
(doi: 10.1017/RDC.2016.45)
Ascough, P. L. , Bird, M. I., Meredith, W. and Snape, C. E.
Dates and fates of pyrogenic carbon: using spectroscopy to understand a “missing” global carbon sink.
Spectroscopy Europe, 28(2),
pp. 6-9.
Sayle, K. L. , Hamilton, W. D. , Cook, G. T. , Ascough, P. L. , Gestsdóttir, H. and McGovern, T. H.
Deciphering diet and monitoring movement: multiple stable isotope analysis of the Viking Age settlement at Hofstaðir, Lake Mývatn, Iceland.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 160(1),
pp. 126-136.
(doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22939)
Shanks, R. P. , Ascough, P. L. , Dougans, A., Gallacher, P., Gulliver, P. , Rood, D. H., Xu, S. and Freeman, S. P.H.T.
Performance of the rebuilt SUERC single-stage accelerator mass spectrometer.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 361,
pp. 76-79.
(doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.07.122)
Russell, N., Cook, G. T. , Ascough, P. L. and Scott, E. M.
A period of calm in Scottish seas: a comprehensive study of ΔR values for the northern British Isles coast and the
consequent implications for archaeology and oceanography.
Quaternary Geochronology, 30(Pt. A),
pp. 34-41.
(doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.08.001)
Bownes, J. , Ascough, P. , Cook, G. , Murray, I., Sayle, K. and Bonsall, C.
Reassessing the Diet of the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in West Scotland.
21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Glasgow, UK, 2-5 Sep 2015.
Brewington, S. et al.
Islands of change vs. islands of disaster: managing pigs and birds in the Anthropocene of the North Atlantic.
Holocene, 25(10),
pp. 1676-1684.
(doi: 10.1177/0959683615591714)
Saiz, G. et al.
The influence of C3 and C4 vegetation on soil organic matter dynamics in contrasting semi-natural tropical ecosystems.
Biogeosciences, 12(16),
pp. 5041-5059.
(doi: 10.5194/bg-12-5041-2015)
Washbourne, C.-L., Lopez-Capel, E., Renforth, P., Ascough, P. L. and Manning, D. A.C.
Rapid removal of atmospheric CO2 by urban soils.
Environmental Science and Technology, 49(9),
pp. 5434-5440.
(doi: 10.1021/es505476d)
Cook, G.T. , Ascough, P.L. , Bonsall, C., Hamilton, W.D. , Russell, N., Sayle, K.L. , Scott, E.M. and Bownes, J.M.
Best practice methodology for 14C calibration of marine and mixed terrestrial/marine samples.
Quaternary Geochronology, 27,
pp. 164-171.
(doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.02.024)
Bird, M. I., Levchenko, V., Ascough, P. L. , Meredith, W., Wurster, C. M., Williams, A., Tilston, E. L., Snape, C. E. and Apperley, D. C.
The efficiency of charcoal decontamination for radiocarbon dating by three pre-treatments – ABOX, ABA and hypy.
Quaternary Geochronology, 22,
pp. 25-32.
(doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2014.02.003)
Ascough, P.
Peat (14C).
In: Rink, W.J. and Thompson, J. (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Scientific Dating Methods.
Springer Netherlands, pp. 1-8.
ISBN 9789400763265
(doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-6326-5_166-1)
Ascough, P. L. , Church, M. J., Cook, G. T. , Einarsson, Á., McGovern, T. H., Dugmore, A. J. and Edwards, K. J.
Stable isotopic (δ13C and δ15N) characterization of key faunal resources 1 from Norse period 2 settlements in North Iceland.
Journal of the North Atlantic, 7(7),
pp. 25-42.
(doi: 10.3721/037.002.sp703)
Sayle, K. , Cook, G. T. , Ascough, P. L. , Gestsdóttir, H., Hamilton, W. D. and McGovern, T. H.
Utilisation of δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S analyses to understand 14C-dating anomalies within a Late Viking Age community in north-east Iceland.
Radiocarbon, 56(2),
(doi: 10.2458/56.17770)
Sayle, K. L. , Cook, G. T. , Ascough, P. L. , Hastie, H. , Einarsson, Á., McGovern, T. H., Hicks, M. T., Edwald, Á. and Friðriksson, A.
Application of 34S analysis for elucidating terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems: evidence of animal movement/husbandry practices in an early Viking community around Lake Mývatn, Iceland.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 120(1),
pp. 531-544.
(doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.07.008)
Church, M. J. et al.
The Vikings were not the first colonizers of the Faroe Islands.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 77,
pp. 228-232.
(doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.06.011)
Meredith, W., Ascough, P.L. , Bird, M.I., Large, D.J., Snape, C.E., Song, J., Sun, Y. and Tilston, E.L.
Direct evidence from hydropyrolysis for the retention of long alkyl moieties in black carbon fractions isolated by acidified dichromate oxidation.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 103,
pp. 232-239.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jaap.2012.11.001)
Clark, K.E., Hilton, R.G., West, A.J., Malhi, Y., Gröcke, D.R., Bryant, C.L., Ascough, P.L. , Robles Caceres, A. and New, M.
New views on “old” carbon in the Amazon River: insight from the source of organic carbon eroded from the Peruvian Andes.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(5),
pp. 1644-1659.
(doi: 10.1002/ggge.20122)
Meredith, W., Ascough, P.L. , Bird, M.I., Large, D.J., Snape, C.E., Sun, Y. and Tilston, E.L.
Assessment of hydropyrolysis as a method for the quantification of black carbon using standard reference materials.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 97,
pp. 131-147.
(doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.08.037)
Ascough, P.L. , Church, M.J., Cook, G.T. , Dunbar, E. , Gestsdóttir, H., McGovern, T.H., Dugmore, A.J., Friðriksson, A. and Edwards, K.J.
Radiocarbon reservoir effects in human bone collagen from northern Iceland.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 39(7),
pp. 2261-2271.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2012.02.012)
Bird, M.I. and Ascough, P.L.
Isotopes in pyrogenic carbon: a review.
Organic Geochemistry, 42(12),
pp. 1529-1539.
(doi: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2010.09.005)
Ascough, P. L.
Marine reservoir effects: problems and prospects for radiocarbon dating.
In: Campar Almeida, A., Bettencourt, A. M.S., Moura, D., Monteiro-Rodrigues, S. and Caetano Alves, M. I. (eds.)
Environmental Changes and Human Interaction Along the Western Atlantic Edge.
Sersilito-Empresa Gráfica, Lda: Coimbra, pp. 13-26.
ISBN 9789899714014
Ascough, P. , Cook, G. , Hastie, H. , Dunbar, E. , Church, M.J., Einarsson, A., McGovern, T.H. and Dugmore, A.J.
An Icelandic freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effect: implications for lacustrine 14C chronologies.
Holocene, 21(7),
pp. 1073-1080.
(doi: 10.1177/0959683611400466)
Ahad, J. M.E., Ganeshram, R. S., Bryant, C. L., Cisneros-Dozal, L. M. , Ascough, P. L. , Fallick, A. E. and Slater, G. F.
Sources of n-alkanes in an urbanized estuary: insights from molecular distributions and compound-specific stable and radiocarbon isotopes.
Marine Chemistry, 126(1-4),
pp. 239-249.
(doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2011.06.002)
Ascough, P. , Bird, M.I., Francis, S.M., Thornton, B., Midwood, A., Scott, A.C. and Apperley, D.
Variability in oxidative degradation of charcoal: influence of production variables and environmental exposure.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(9),
pp. 2361-2378.
(doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.02.002)
Russell, N., Cook, G. , Ascough, P. , Barrett, J.H. and Dugmore, A.
Species specific Marine Radiocarbon Reservoir Effect: A comparison of Δ R values between Patella vulgata (limpet) shell carbonate and Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod) bone collagen.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(5),
pp. 1008-1015.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.11.015)
Baker, A., Gulliver, P. , Ascough, P. , Roe, J. and Bridgeman, J.
Assessing the effect of sterilization on the radiocarbon signature of freshwater dissolved organic carbon.
Radiocarbon, 53(4),
pp. 659-667.
Russell, N., Cook, G. , Ascough, P. , Scott, E.M. and Dugmore, A.J.
Examining the inherent variability in ΔR: New methods of presenting ΔR values and implications for MRE studies.
Radiocarbon, 53(2),
pp. 277-288.
Ascough, P. , Bird, M.I., Meredith, W., Wood, R.E., Snape, C.E., Brock, F., Higham, T.F., Large, D.J. and Apperley, D.C.
Hydropyrolysis: implications for radiocarbon pre-treatment and characterization of Black Carbon.
Radiocarbon, 52(3),
pp. 1336-1350.
Ascough, P.L. et al.
Temporal and spatial variations in freshwater 14C reservoir effects: Lake Myvatn, Northern Iceland.
Radiocarbon, 52(3),
pp. 1098-1112.
Naysmith, P. et al.
14C AMS at SUERC: improving QA data from the 5 MV tandem AMS and 250 kV SSAMS.
Radiocarbon, 52(2),
pp. 263-271.
(doi: 10.1017/S003382220004529X)
Russell, N., Cook, G. , Ascough, P.L. and Dugmore, A.
Spatial variation in the MRE throughout the Scottish Post-Roman to late Medieval period: North Sea values (500-1350 BP).
Radiocarbon, 52(3),
pp. 1166-1181.
Wurster, C.M., McFarlane, D.A., Bird, M.I., Ascough, P.L. and Athfield, N.B.
Stable isotopes of subfossil bat guano as a long-term environmental archive: insights from a Grand Canyon cave deposit.
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 72(2),
pp. 111-121.
(doi: 10.4311/jcks2009es0109)
Ascough, P.L. , Bird, M.I., Scott, A.C., Collinson, M.E., Cohen-Ofri, I., Snape, C.E. and Le Manquais, K.
Charcoal reflectance measurements: implications for structural characterization and assessment of diagenetic alteration.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 37(7),
pp. 1590-1599.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.01.020)
Ascough, P.L. , Sturrock, C.J. and Bird, M.I.
Investigation of growth responses in saprophytic fungi to charred biomass.
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 46(1),
pp. 64-77.
(doi: 10.1080/10256010903388436)
Ascough, P.L. , Bird, M.I., Francis, S.M. and Lebl, T.
Alkali extraction of archaeological and geological charcoal: evidence for diagenetic degradation and formation of humic acids.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(1),
pp. 69-78.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2010.08.011)
Wurster, C.M., Bird, M.I., Bull, I., Bryant, C. and Ascough, P.L.
A protocol for radiocarbon dating tropical subfossil cave guano.
Radiocarbon, 51(3),
pp. 977-986.
Ascough, P.L. , Cook, G.T. and Dugmore, A.J.
North Atlantic marine 14C reservoir effects: implications for late-Holocene chronological studies.
Quaternary Geochronology, 4(3),
pp. 171-180.
(doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2008.12.002)
Ascough, P.L. , Bird, M.I., Brock, F., Higham, T.F.G., Meredith, W., Snape, C.E. and Vane, C.H.
Hydropyrolysis as a new tool for radiocarbon pre-treatment and the quantification of black carbon.
Quaternary Geochronology, 4(2),
pp. 140-147.
(doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2008.11.001)
Bird, M.I., Charville-Mort, P.D.J., Ascough, P.L. , Wood, R., Higham, T.F.G. and Apperley, D.
Assessment of oxygen plasma ashing as a pre-treatment for radiocarbon dating.
Quaternary Geochronology,
(doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.10.004)
McGovern, T.H., Perdikaris, S., Mainland, I., Ascough, P. , Ewens, V., Einarsson, A., Sidell, J., Hambrecht, G. and Harrison, R.
The archaeofauna.
In: Lucas, G., Batey, C., Gudmundsson, G., Lawson, I.T., McGovern, T.H. and Simpson, I.A. (eds.)
Hofstaðir: Excavations of a Viking Age Feasting Hall in North-Eastern Iceland.
Series: Institute of Archaeology Monograh Series.
Institute of Archaeology: Reykjavik.
ISBN 9789979994602
Ascough, P.L. , Bird, M.I., Wormald, P., Snape, C.E. and Apperley, D.
Influence of production variables and starting material on charcoal stable isotopic and molecular characteristics.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(24),
pp. 6090-6102.
(doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2008.10.009)
Bird, M.I., Ascough, P.L. , Young, I.M., Wood, C.V. and Scott, A.C.
X-Ray microtomographic imaging of charcoal.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 35(10),
pp. 2698-2706.
(doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2008.04.018)
Church, M., Dugmore, A.J., Mairs, K.A., Millard, A.R., Cook, G.T., Sveinbjarnardottir, G., Ascough, P.L. and Roucoux, K.H.
Charcoal production during the Norse and early medieval periods in Eyjafjallahreppur, southern Iceland.
Radiocarbon, 49(2),
pp. 659-672.
Ascough, P.L. , Cook, G.T., Church, M.J., Dugmore, A.J., McGovern, T.G., Dunbar, E. , Einarsson, E., Frioriksson, A. and Gestsdottir, H.
Reservoirs and radiocarbon: 14C dating problems in Myvatnssveit, Northern Iceland.
Radiocarbon, 49(2),
pp. 947-961.
Ascough, P.L., Cook, G.T., Dugmore, A.J. and Scott, E.M.
The North Atlantic marine reservoir effect in the early Holocene: implications for defining and understanding MRE values.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 259(1),
pp. 438-447.
(doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2007.01.185)
Ascough, P. L. , Cook, G.T., Church, M.J., Dugmore, A.J., Arge, S.V. and McGovern, T.H.
Variability in North Atlantic marine radiocarbon reservoir effects at c. 1000 AD.
Holocene, 16(1),
pp. 131-136.
(doi: 10.1191/0959683606hl913rr)
Ascough, P.L., Cook, G.T. and Dugmore, A.
Methodological approaches to determining the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect.
Progress in Physical Geography, 29(4),
pp. 532-547.
(doi: 10.1191/0309133305pp461ra)
Ascough, P.L., Cook, G.T., Dugmore, A.J., Scott, E.M. and Freeman, S.P.H.T.
Influence of mollusk species on marine DELTA R determinations.
Radiocarbon, 47(3),
pp. 433-440.
Ascough, P. L. , Cook, G. T. , Dugmore, A. J., Barber, J., Higney, E. and Scott, E. M.
Holocene variations in the Scottish marine radiocarbon reservoir effect.
Radiocarbon, 46(2),
pp. 611-620.
(doi: 10.1017/S0033822200035657)
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