We would like to announce our re-branding to University Safety & Resilience. The change in name better reflects the inclusion of Business Continuity within the service’s area of activity and the University-wide role of the service. We hope the inclusion of University in the new title will help reduce any confusion between this service and that of embedded teams and individuals with local safety roles within Schools or other professional services, such as the Safety & Compliance team within Estates.
Work-related health is still very much part of our role, but we see it as an implicit part of the safety function which advises and supports the University community on the minimisation of risk to both physical and mental health. The health surveillance aspects of occupational health are delivered through the Health and Wellbeing service (formerly Occupational Health) within P&OD who also now carry an active employee wellbeing promotion role. The statutory aspects of work-related mental health (i.e. the management of workplace stress) continue to be overseen by University Safety & Resilience.
There are also some accommodation moves in progress and colleagues will be operating primarily out of the Isabella Elder Building in future.
You will see changes to our website, policy and guidance documents as part of our normal review cycle in the coming months.
This will not impact on the name or remit of the University Health, Safety & Wellbeing policy statement or Committee which both continue to reflect all these aspects of the University’s duty of care for employees.